Category Archives: Primary 2

P2 Weekly Timetable 1.6.2020

Good morning Primary 2,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.  Please find below the Timetable for this weeks learning.  I’ve added a new topic this week, about Minibeasts and some activities for the children.   Also the school theme this week is Superheroes and Health (see Blog post P1-3 Superhero and Health Activities for the grid).

As always these are just guides, please feel free to use as you wish.

I hope you have a wonderful week.

Take care, stay safe.

Ms Gavin x

Timetable home learning 1.6.2020






P2 Weekly timetable 25.5.2020

Good morning P2,

Here we are again!  Please find below this weeks timetable and some activities for you.  Remember that the timetable is just a guide and you may do as much or as little as you wish.

I have put more activities on Education City for you and remember reading books are on Active Learn.

Have a wonderful week.

Stay safe.

Ms Gavin x

Timetable home learning 25.5.2020


Changes in Farming PowerPoint

Stone Age Activity Sheet




P1, 2 and 3 Entertainment grid

Good morning,

Mrs Brennan has decided to use different themes for learning over the next few weeks.  This week is Entertainment week!  Please find attached a grid with lots of activities you could do this week in the afternoons.

Remember this is just a guide and you can do as many or as few of the activities as you wish.  If you wish to share any of these things with us please send to the school email.

Enjoy x

Mrs Kean, Miss Hewit and Ms Gavin

P 1-3 Afternoon Activities – Entertainment

Primary 2 Weekly Timetable for 18.5.2020

Good morning,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and Monday holiday.  Please find your weekly timetable attached.  I have also attached some activities for farming, this week looking at where food comes from.  Remember this is just a guide and you can do as much or as little as you wish.  i have also updated Education city and Active learn sites.

I hope you have a wonderful week.

Stay safe and take care.

Ms Gavin x

Timetable home learning 18.5.2020

Field to Fork Information PowerPoint KS1

Map of Scottish Produce Poster

Design a Scottish Dish of the Day Activity




Farm to Fork activity grid






P2 Weekly Learning Timetable for 11.5.2020

Good morning Primary 2,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  Please find attached this weeks Learning.  I’ve also attached some learning resources for a new topic on ‘Farming’.  This week I’d like the children to learn about farms, what lives/grows on them.  There is a lovely story about Grandad’s farm which you can read to the children and which will give lots of things to discuss.  Don’t worry if you can’t print these off the activities below, you could just use one of the jotters or paper and use these as a guide. Maybe you already know people who live on farms, or the children know a little about farms already.  Whatever their knowledge it’s good to develop this further.  I’ve also added a few farming activities on to the Education City (P2 Science activities folder).

Remember you can do as much or as little of the Learning Timetable as you like, it’s really just a guide.

I hope you enjoy this week.

Take care and stay safe.

Ms Gavin x

Timetable home learning 11.5.2020






Design a farm-map-cut-and-stick-activity-english_ver_4





All children in Primary 1, 2 and 3

Good afternoon everyone,

Just to let you all know that at the Assembly on Friday Mrs Brennan would love to share some of your work, pictures, favourite lock down songs that you may have.  If you do have anything you would like to share, please send these to the school email (see below) and Mrs Brennan will add them to the assembly.

Not all will be able to be shown, but she will try to add as many as possible, the rest could be shared at the next assembly the following week.

Take care and stay safe.

Ms Gavin x