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P5/4 maths homework

Many thanks to everyone who has completed or tried to complete their maths homework already this week.  I understand that not everyone has access to a computer at home and is trying to use a tablet to access the website.  In order to use the game, you need to have FLASH loaded onto your computer.  I know that many tablets/ipads do not have this available so I have listed a range of games below which do not need FLASH installed.  Just copy and paste the link below into your browser. Good luck and have fun!


One which is not tablet friendly but really super for help with partitioning numbers is:


If you have any problem accessing these games, please let me know and your child can attend homework club or use the computers in the classroom at the very start of the day to access the websites.


Many thanks,


Mrs Vince

This week in P4…

This week has flown past!

Thank you so much to the parents who were able to make it along to the Meet the Teacher session – it was great to be able to chat to you all and share some of the exciting things we have in store this year!

We have finished our charter and thought you might like to see it –


What a suprise – it’s Disney-themed!

We have had the chance to ‘play’ with the Numicon resources and loved when Mrs Stewart gave us challenges to complete! we are looking forward to using this to help us with our learning in Numeracy this year. We’ve also started to have regular Number Talks in the class, this lets us talk about the strategies we are using to work calculations out mentally.

IMG_0982 IMG_0981 IMG_0980

We are continuing to work hard on our handwriting and have started to join up some of the letters we have already learned. We used our Big Talk homework to help us write a personal piece of text this week. Our writing activities require us to work quietly so that we can concentrate and, although that can be a bit challenging, we have a couple of strategies that are helping us – Lauren suggested we do our focus activity before we started our writing task and we also listen to Chopin while we write, as it helps with flow and concentration!

This week, with Mrs McGlynn, we really enjoyed our symmetry lesson and can’t wait to continue with it next week.

Homework begins this week and all tasks, instructions and due dates will be included in your child’s homework jotter – this week  there will be spelling, reading, Big Talk and Numeracy homework. In addition, please look for learning targets for your child, which will be added into their homework jotter. These targets reflect the teaching and learning that will take place over the next 6 weeks.

Could you please ensure your child has their homework bag in their schoolbag every day, as different tasks will be given out on different days? If there is anything you are unsure of, please get in touch!  Thank you for your continued support!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! 🙂


P7 News


Last week, P7 watched and learned about Pablo Picasso and created their own Picasso Portraits. These are now hanging in our classroom and look fabulous!

Homework is changing slightly this year and the staff of Murrayfield need your help 🙂

P7 will be starting a new writing scheme called “Big Write,” on Tuesday 6th September. The children will play some vocabulary games and then do 45 minutes of silent writing. But….this is were you come in. We would like to ask you to talk about a set topic with their child, which they will write about during Big Write. I will be sending out their BIG TALK homework today, which will prepare your child for writing on Tuesday. BIG TALK homework will then go out every Friday for writing on a Tuesday. Have fun and don’t worry. The topics will always be fun, interesting and discussion worthy 🙂

Other Homework will be issued as follows:

Reading: Every group will have a set day their reading will go home and be sent back to school. Your child will keep you right with this.

Numeracy: Maths homework will be handed out on a Thursday to be returned for a Monday.

Topic: Topic homework will be sent home as a challenge and you will be given plenty time to prepare.

Thank you so much for the wonderful effort that was put in for the music presentations this week. I was truly blown away by the effort, facts and the standard of work I received. Keep It up P7’s!

This week in P5

We have been working hard on our fabulous cursive handwriting – Mrs Sneddon says we are doing great!!

In numeracy we have been working with place value and looked at ten thousands, hundred thousands and challenged ourselves to try millions.

We worked on partitioning numbers – that means how are they put together – 1234 = 1000 + 200+30+4

Great excitement as we have finished our first piece of big writing. Our focus was on using punctuation appropriately.

Our first fabulous week in P4!

We have all had a very happy first week in P4 and have already been busy!

We worked well together to create our class charter and have all signed to say that we will try our very best to follow it.

We have been getting to know each other by sharing information about ourselves through different activities.

P4 have been doing ‘Wake and Shake’ every morning, which includes exercising to dance and a then a balancing activity which will strengthen our focus muscles and help us with our concentration. We are already getting better at balancing on one foot!

We have assigned our class jobs and these will be changed on a weekly basis.

We enjoyed working on our ‘Stick man’ interactive adventure with Mrs McGlynn, on Thursday.

Lennon had fun doing his spelling test, especially because there were 45 words to do!!!

Today, we  started on our daily handwriting practice which will focus on the formation of our letters, before moving on to the joins between letters. Mrs Stewart is very pleased that we tried our best and was impressed with our first day’s work. 🙂

We had a visit from our friend, Steven, who came to talk to us about ‘Thinking Better’. He was happy to hear that we will never give up, even when we are stuck, and that we will try our best to encourage each other to get better every day. We hope Steven comes back to visit soon and then we will be able to tell him how we are getting on.

Phew! What a busy first week, but we are all looking forward to learning lots this year.

Please keep checking the BLOG to keep up-to-date with all that is happening in our class.

Have a good weekend!

Our First Week in P7

P7 have had a great first week. We have been working hard with our buddies and have enjoyed supporting and helping them with getting organised for school.

We have also been learning about different genres of music and have started learning about Rock and Roll this week which has been very interesting. Please make sure your child is prepared for their homework task which is due in next Friday 🙂

As you can see from the photos we have also been busy bees and created our class charter. It is lovely and colourful-just the way Miss Moir likes it 🙂

P7 Leavers Assembly Powerpoints, Miss

As promised at the P7 Leavers Assembly, here are the Powerpoints you were shown and Miss Jones’ video.  (So sorry Miss Jones – you had a temporary loss of voice.)

We hope you have a wonderful Summer and wish all our P7s the very best of luck at Bathgate and St Kents Academies.

P7 Leavers powerpoint 2016 p4-6Photo Album   P2 10-11  Photo Album P7 Nursery  Primary 1 slideshow  P3 assembly part 1   P3 assembly part 1  Primary 3 – part 2