Our topic this term is The Rainforest. We have been working hard to write poems about The Rainforest using our 5 senses!
Our learning intention:
We are learning to write a poem about The Rainforest.
Our success criteria:
I can write a sentence about what I can see, hear, touch, taste and smell in the rainforest.
I can use an adjective in each sentence to describe the rainforest.
I can check that my writing makes sense.
Description of Activities:
We started by using a mind map to note down words of things we could see, smell, taste, touch and hear. Miss Clark played rainforest music in the background to help us imagine that we were in the rainforest.
We then had to put our senses words into sentences and use an adjective to describe the rainforest.
Once we had written our sentences we had to pick which ones we wanted to use in our poems. We had to start each line with ‘I can’ and include a senses word and an adjective.
We really enjoyed writing our poems and sharing them with the class.
Ben enjoyed reading his poem out to the class and felt confident!
Ciara enjoyed imagining that she was in the rainforest to help her add words to her mind map.
Sophie enjoyed writing her poem.
Daisy enjoyed adding detail to her rainforest picture to illustrate her poem.
Marc enjoyed sharing his poem with the class because he had worked hard.
Assessment of work:
We had to assess our own work by looking at the success criteria and putting a tick in the box if we had completed each part.