Category Archives: Primary 3

What’s the length?

Learning Intention: We are learning to measure the length of objects in centimetres.

Success Criteria: I can use a 30 cm ruler to measure items within class.

I can use a trundle wheel to measure lines and shapes in the playground.

I can accurately read and record the length of an object.

Over the last week in P4/3, we have been learning how to measure length in centimetres within Maths. We started off measuring objects within the classroom such as our jotters, pencils, rubbers, chair legs, shoes and water bottles. We then went into the playground and used trundle wheels and metre sticks to measure lines, shapes and objects such as the basketball net, the shed, the stage and the ground shapes.

We worked in pairs and recorded our measurements on paper using clip boards- it was great fun!

“The basketball net was approximately 320 cm,” Jamie Hardie.

“The stage was approximately 200 cm in length”, Kuba Kopacz.

“The gutter was around 340 cm in length. I measured it using the trundle wheel” Ryan Connor.

“The bench was 4 spins of the trundle wheel so that would be 4 m, which is 400 cm” Aiden Hardie.

We loved measuring objects and doing some Maths outside- we looked forward to doing it again!


P3 Nativity

LI: We are learning to sing and play music with growing confidence and skill. We are learning to create, choose and accept roles, using movement, expression and voice
SC: I can sing with others, keeping time and in pitch
I can be aware of my audience and perform with confidence
I can use a loud, clear voice when performing

This week P3 have been learning nativity, nativity, nativity! We have been singing the songs and saying our lines with confidence and expression. The stage is ready and Mary, Joseph, the Innkeeper, Wise Men, Shepherds and of course all the animals have been learning where to stand, sit or lie down! The narrator is will tell you the Story of Christmas in a beautiful voice with lots of expression and the Angels have been learning to dance! The Travellers are coming to the party and are very excited to share our performance with you next week and look forward to seeing you then.