Welcome 3a Thursday 23.4.20

Good morning everybody.

Firstly, a big thank you to everybody who sent me an email yesterday. It was great to be back in touch with the children in 3a. Please keep emailing me. I’d be quite happy to hear from you all everyday.

Today is St George’s Day. Perhaps you could research the story of St George or create a dragon picture to send to me.

Our favourite poem for today is ” Please Mrs Butler” by  Allan Ahlberg. I’ll try to attach a link – otherwise you can search for it online. I’m sure you’ll enjoy performing it for your family.

Just for fun – I think a lot of you enjoyed the video of Katie Morag yesterday.  For today’s video, which breed of dog do you think eats faster- a labrador or a border collie? There was a video on the internet recently of two dogs eating their dinner and their owner was giving a running commentary. I thought I could do the same, but there just wasn’t time. One of my dogs is a very fast eater!

Click for link to – Please Mrs Butler


2 thoughts on “Welcome 3a Thursday 23.4.20”

  1. We have just watched this tonight. What a speedy eater. “I am like that with chocolate!” says Daniel:) We will email you tomorrow with some of the work we have been doing. Hope you have had a good weekend.

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