Good Morning 3A!
I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend and managed some fun activities despite the horrible weather. I built a den in the living room with my children! We moved around the furniture and used a coat stand and blankets to make a big tent. It was great fun.
I wanted to give a huge congratulations to everyone who joined in with the WL Sumdog challenge. Also there were 2 children in 3A who finished in the top 50 places. What an amazing achievement
As always, you’ll find new games and challenges have been set for you on Heinemann Active and Sumdog. I hope you are able to give these a go. The P3 Week 8 grid and resources are ready on LPS website too.
Another pupil recommendation for Oxford Owl has been emailed to me. You might like Project X Big Game Adventure or The Hunt for Nok.
If you are able to email again this week that would be great. If you can send a photo too, even better. You work might be featured in Friday’s Celebrating Success.
Mrs Bell