Monday 27th April 2020

Home Learning Grid 27.4.20  Week 4 Resources Diamonds   Week 4 Resources Stars

Good morning Primary 1,

We hope you had a lovely weekend in the sun. Perhaps you could ask an adult to help you add a comment to this post sharing what the best part of your weekend was? My best part was trying a new recipe which turned out pretty tasty and sitting in the garden to read a great book.

Our weekly learning grid and resources can be found on the school website in the Home Learning part of the Parent Zone, but I have also attached them at the top of this post for ease. Here are some related activities that you might like to explore at some point if it fits in with your routine.


Visit the website and explore some of the word building games to help your reading and writing. In class, we have played ‘Fishy Phonics’, ‘Odd and Bob’ and ‘Odd Sound Out’ but it is worth exploring some more of the available games and phases as there are lots of ways to challenge yourselves.


This week we are focusing on fractions and on splitting whole objects into smaller parts of equal size.

Why not watch the following BBC Bitesize song about halving and quartering – – it has a nice focus on sharing!

If you want to take this further, you could give try sharing a some objects equally between two people, or splitting them in half. Tell an adult how you can make sure that sharing is fair and see if you can explain to them why halves must always be equal parts.


We are continuing to learn about living things and their life cycles. Here is a song that you can join in and move to, while the words talk about some features of living things:

We are looking forward to hearing about and/or seeing photos of any visual representations of life cycles that you make this week at home. You are all so creative, I am sure you will impress us!

Thank you for sending us lots of news, photos and questions – we are enjoying hearing and seeing what you are up to. We miss you all very much.

Take care and please remember – only do what you can; you know best how to organise home learning around your commitments and schedules, so please don’t feel under pressure and let us know if we can support you in any way.

Have a wonderful week,

Your P1 Teachers

6 thoughts on “Monday 27th April 2020”

  1. Good morning Mrs Jamieson,

    I am missing school, you and my friends and all the toys. I am also missing all the beautiful pictures that we have done, because I love school, you and my friends.

    At the weekend I went in the paddling pool, mummy put warm water in it for me and my sister. I went out on my bike and daddy is going to teach me to ride it without the stabilisers and that will be fun.

    Today me and Daddy will be making pancakes.

    Love from Ruaridh Edment

    1. Hi Ruaridh,
      I’m glad you had a nice weekend – playing in the paddling pool sounds amazing, I bet you are enjoying all this sunny weather. Wow! Learning to ride your bike with no stabilisers will be a fun challenge, you’ll have to let me know how you get on. Good luck! You are making pancakes too, I think you will have a wonderful day. I have looked out all my recipe books and I am actually going to make chickpea flour pancakes for my dinner later – they are nice and easy, just chickpea flour, water and a little salt. What are you going to put on your pancakes?
      I’m delighted that you love school, I do too, and it is hard to be away from all our friends. I bet you are doing a super job keeping everybody at home smiling though!
      Lovely to hear from you, have a fun day 🙂
      Mrs Jamieson

      1. Hi Mrs Jamieson

        I enjoyed baking at the weekend too. What did you make? I wanted to share one of my recipes, they are yummy! (Mummy says she will email it as she can’t figure out attaching it here!)

        I like the picture of Bennie, he’s looking very fluffy.

        Love from Cara

        1. Hi Cara,
          Thank you for your recipe that mum sent to me – your Marshmallow Popsicles look delicious and your recipe was absolutely perfect, you included all the features of a good recipe and your writing looked super. Well done!
          I made some very tasty Cornflake Cakes at the weekend with dark chocolate and syrup – they didn’t look as pretty as your popsicles though!
          Bennie is getting quite hairy, he needs a good brush every single day to make sure he doesn’t get all tangled. He found a big leaf on a walk today and carried it all the way home.
          Have a lovely evening,
          Mrs Jamieson

    1. Hi Iona,
      Thanks for getting in touch and telling me about your weekend, it sounds like a lot of fun! What a nice idea to camp in the garden, I hope you were warm enough. Your pirate ship sounds very creative, did your use cardboard or something else? Perhaps you could go on the gonoodle website and sing the Pirate counting song.
      You lucky thing having such a great neighbour and a lovely therapy dog to read to, what a lovely calm dog. I bet it was nice to sit with her and read to her. I’m sure she enjoyed it too.
      I miss you and our lovely class too,
      Take care and have a lovely afternoon,
      Mrs Jamieson

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