P2/1 – Monday 27th April

Hello everyone

Hope you are all safe and well and had a little break from home learning at the weekend.

I hope that you will enjoy this week’s learning activities and I love hearing how you are all doing your own things too – your grown ups are all being very good teachers and keeping you all busy!

Below is the link to the first Story Time from Home for this week and as usual it is linked to the writing activity. I have also included a little reading challenge on this week’s video so watch carefully!


You can read lots of super books on the Oxford Owl website.  I have attached a link to the website and an instruction sheet with our class login if you want to have a look.



Here is the link to the video that I have made to help with this maths activity.


Have fun and don’t get too wet – I look forward to seeing the photographs!

Miss McDermott

2 thoughts on “P2/1 – Monday 27th April”

    1. Well done Max – I know that some of the words are very tricky because some are for P2 and some are for P1! I hope that you are staying safe and it’s good to know that you are watching the videos!
      Miss McDermott

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