Good morning P1! Monday 25th May 2020

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I spent some time drawing a picture to send to my Granny as it was her 89th birthday! I used oil pastels and drew some of the lovely Spring blossom that we have been seeing recently.

Here is our Learning Grid for this week – Home Learning Grid 25.5.20

We will continue our FairyTale theme this week with the story ‘The Gingerbread Man’ so I have recorded the story for you and Miss McDermott has kindly popped the link in the blog post a couple above this one as I was having some technical issues! Thanks Miss McDermott – you are a star 😀

Here are some resources to help you with our learning focuses this week:


Teddy Bear Position PowerPoint

Treasure Map Directions Game Activity

Directions Game

Writing – inventing a character:

Gingerbread Man Character Writing Template (if you do not have access to a printer, please don’t worry – use this sheet to give you an idea of what to draw/write on paper or in a jotter!)

Reading – phonics /wh/ and /th/:

/th/ Sorting Sounds PowerPoint with /ch/ and /sh/ revision

Spot the /th/ sound in this story!

/wh/ Words Quick Read PowerPoint


Phonics challenge: can you add /th/ to complete each of the words on the petals? Try reading them with an adult – you will need help with the ones you can’t sound out.


Remember that there is no pressure to do everything on the learning grid or blog – do what you can and remember to spend lots of time playing too!

We would love it if you could keep in touch each week with your teacher – just a quick email to say hello and that you are doing okay, or to let us know if you would like support with anything, or to show us some lovely pics of what you are getting up to at home. We really love to hear from you and just want to make sure everyone is safe, happy and supported. You are all amazing!

Have a fabulous week everyone,

We really miss you all,

Your P1 Teachers



9 thoughts on “Good morning P1! Monday 25th May 2020”

    1. Hello, it’s Miss McDermott here. I didn’t create The Gingerbread Man but I have tried the link from my laptop and from an IPad and it seems to be working fine. Can you try using another device?
      Let me know how you get on.

      1. Thanks Miss McDermott. It is asking for a login. I think other parents have had the same problem. (I guess it works for you as you have a login for the school systems?)
        Thanks for your help.

          1. Thank you very much Miss McDermott for sorting out the new link – you are a technology whizz! Mrs Jamieson

    1. I’ve had a quick look and that is definitely the correct title – I used the search bar and just entered the word ‘dog’ and it was one of the books which popped up, hope it springs up for you as well but let us know if not! Mrs Jamieson

  1. Thanks, Mrs Jamieson! It did pop up this time. We try to do activities 1 & 2 after some books but there’s never title on top or answer at bottom on its activity sheet. Maybe it works perfectly on PC but not on our iPhone (I normally just use iPhone or iPad for Shona).

    1. Hello!
      I had a quick look at the help page for the Oxford Owl website and unfortunately it looks like most of the features like the pop up activities are unavailable on Smartphones, although they seem to say they are supported on the iPad and iPad Mini using iOS 10 or above. The other thing it mentions for laptops is that it needs to use Adobe Flash Player, which I know sometimes needs to be allowed manually. Sorry not to be able to help more with accessing it on your phone, it’s a shame that it doesn’t support the extra activities. Well done for getting on and checking out the stories to read though. Hope you have a fan weekend. Mrs Jamieson

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