Good Afternoon, 27th April 2020

Hello Primary 1,

What beautiful weather we had at the weekend. Hopefully you all managed to get out in it for a while and had a nice weekend.

I hope you have had a good day so far.

Here are a few activities you can try.

Why not try math drop. You need a piece of paper, pencil and some coins. Draw circles on the paper and write numbers in the sections.  Drop the coins onto the paper (be gentle, you don’t want too many run away coins), then add up the numbers.

If that is too easy use three coins or make the numbers bigger.


Or give scribble art a go.

Draw a scribble on a piece of paper and see what you can turn it into, or swap scribbles with someone in your family and see what you both come up with.


A lovely activity you could do is the John Lewis Teddy Bear design competition.  #designyoursuperbear


Hope you have a lovely afternoon and evening.

From the Primary one teachers



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