Category Archives: Thinking Skills

Brown paper packages tied up with string…

On Friday morning, P5A received an intriguing package, wrapped in brown paper and tied up with string.

We spent some time handling our mystery parcel and discussing it. We wondered where it had come from, why it had been sent to us and, most importantly, what might be inside.

After waiting and wondering for three long days, we finally opened our parcel this afternoon. There was great excitement, lots of speculation, and some worry (from Mrs Paton) that Robert might cut his fingers on the scissors!

At last, the box was open. Buried inside layers of tissue, we pulled out…a tiny felt hat, covered in sequins and embriodery.

Most excited of all was our Circle Time pet, Happy Lion. He was delighted to find that the hat was a perfect fit!

We quickly set about writing down all of our big questions about this unusual hat. Where did it come from? Who sent it to us? What sort of hat was it? Which culture did it belong to? What could we learn from it?

We visited the school library and consulted Dr Google. Our suspicions were confirmed. We had received a tiny sombrero all the way from Mexico. We discovered that the name ‘sombrero’ comes from the Spanish word for shade. This wide brimmed hat was originally designed to offer protection from the sun.

Next, we discussed where we could take our learning from here. Would we design and make our own hats? Would we find out more about the traditions, customs and traditional dress of Mexico? Would we explore politics, religion or culture? Could we write our own music, or find out about traditional Mexican musical instruments? Could we explore different types of hats? Perhaps we could write our own poetry, adventure stories or factual reports about hats. We even discussed the possibility of learning a new language or writing to new pen pals.

So, where to begin? P5A, it’s over to you!


Primary Engineers!

P7 are in the middle of working towards the Primary Engineer’s Young Leader award.  The classes have been researching engineering and finding out about all the different areas of engineering that are around.

They’ve also been finding out about inspiring engineers (especially famous Scottish engineers like Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Telford, John Logie Baird and James Watt) and this week they have been lucky enough to have a visit from two engineers, Angus and Will, from the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh to talk about their work.

The classes had a chance to take part in activities that gave them experience of some of the skills the engineers use in their work, including robotics, optics, programming and working with lasers.

P2/1 Three Little Pigs House Challenge

Today’s challenge was to build a house for the three little pigs.  We made sure that all of the teams had exactly the same resources even though our finished houses looked quite different.

The three toy pigs had to fit inside the house and then Miss McDermott tried to blow it down with the big bad wolf hairdryer! Great fun and lots of great designs today!

P2/1 Cows Jumping Over the Moon amongst other things!

This morning we were very fortunate to have Mrs Lowe, one of our parent helpers, in class.  She helped us plant nasturtium seeds whilst Miss McDermott worked with the maths groups.  We learned that nasturtiums are unusual because you can eat their flowers! We know from Mr Hogg that we will need to water our seeds carefully and we are going to have a rota for doing this.

After break we wrote instructions for planting seeds and discussed how instructions are another kind of non fiction text.

In the afternoon, we learned about another Scottish inventor.  Here are a few of the pictures that we have drawn so far.

Then we worked with a partner for today’s challenge – to try and make a cow jump over the moon!  We had lots of fun trying to make catapults and pinging toy farm animals all over the classroom!  Like many of the challenges we do it was not easy but we are getting much better are not giving up and helping each other to do our best.




A very busy Monday in P2/1!

This week we are focusing on non fiction texts in literacy and the children are choosing their own reading books to share at home.

In the morning we learned about different types of non fiction texts and we have a lovely selection of magazines in class which all the groups will have time to read over the week.  Some of the children have suggested we link this to our data handling learning and do a survey of our favourite magazines at the end of the week.  Watch this space!

A few of the children searched the newspapers to look for things that might interest children.  As you can see from these photos, they did not like getting their hands covered in newsprint!

To celebrate British Science Week, we are learning about a different Scottish inventor each day.   As you will know if you read our blog regularly,  we love designing and making things in P2/1 and this week we will be doing some team challenges that have both a design and a farm animal theme.

We have read the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and acted it out using puppets and masks.  Today the challenge was to design and make a raft or boat to carry the three Billy Goats Gruff safely across our water tray.   This was not as  easy as it might look as some of the containers that Miss McDermott gave us had holes in them!