Category Archives: P2

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning P2 from Mrs McWhirter. I hope you all had a lovely long May weekend and are ready to make some music!
If you were out in your garden or outdoors recently you will have noticed that the insects and minibeasts are everywhere!! This is their favourite time of the year I think! Today I am sending you a link to a Minibeast rap, I hope you enjoy it! I would like you to make up your own short rap or song about your favourite minibeast and maybe add a picture too? Have some fun with rhythm and rhyme!

Good Morning Wednesday 6th May 2020 Mrs Boyle

  Good Morning Primary 2B

I hope you are all well and had a lovely holiday. I enjoyed  being in the garden and going on lots of lovely walks. Today  we are going to listen to a story read by Miss McDermott. Every day you will learn new words from the story  and can do a quiz on your comprehension skills.  Keep listening every day to a new story and on Friday I would like you to draw a picture of your favourite story. If you can why don’t you send it and tell me why it is your favourite. I will share them on twitter.

I have also been decorating stones to leave around Linlithgow with the message Stay Home , Stay Safe. Mabye you can  decorate your own stones . Mrs Mills did hers on logs. Very creative Mrs Mills!  Mabye you can find them when you are out for a walk?                 


Have Fun!

Mrs Boyle


Primary 2A Wednesday 6.5.20

Good morning, everyone!  I hope you had a lovely weekend with your families and are all healthy and well.

I enjoyed going for some walks and bike rides with my family this weekend.  I love to walk and cycle along the river and it makes me smile to see so many butterflies and birds and bees all fluttering and flying and buzzing about.  Miss McDermott told me that she had seen a beautiful painted stone when she was on a walk.  So my family decided to paint some stones.  Here they are.

You could look for a stone and paint it or write a message on it.  When you go for a walk or a cycle you could leave your stone somewhere for other families to see.  Or you could put your stone on your doorstep or in your garden.  I would love to see photos of your stones.  Have fun choosing a stone and painting it.

Have a great day, everyone!

Mrs Herbison

P2a P2b P2/1 Story Time From Home Activities – Wednesday 6th May

Hello everyone

Here is the link to today’s story.

You will need to watch it before you can do these literacy tasks which are part of this week’s home learning plan.

The tricky words below were all in today’s story. Find out what these words mean. Try to use them in different sentences throughout the day.  You DO NOT need to write your sentences down.

  • lurked
  • pounced
  • creepy
  • weary


How good are your listening skills? Remember you don’t need to write your answers down – you can just tell a grown up or big brother or sister if you have one.

  • How many cats are in the Tibbles Family?
  • What is the name of Billy’s baby brother?
  • Why did Billy not like the shed?
  • Why was Billy glad that he wasn’t by himself when he went upstairs?
  • How did the bed get broken?
  • Who was not happy about sharing at the end of the story?

Talk about why sharing is important.  Can you think about a time when you have had to share something? It might have been at home or even when you were back at school.

If you’ve time here’s a link to a simple  how to draw a cat video that you might like to try . The cat looks a little bit like Billy Tibbles in the story. When you  open the link you might need to scroll down to get the video..

Here’s my drawing!

Miss McDermott






Primary 2A Friday, 1st May

Good morning, everyone.  Happy Friday!

This has been a very quick week and I have really enjoyed reading all your emails about the many different activities you have all be doing with your families.  It is just wonderful to hear, and sometimes see, what you been doing as a family.  So a huge Thank You to everyone!

Have any of you designed a Super Bear this week?  I would love to see your designs! 

Today is the beginning of a new month.  It is the first day of May, the 5th month of the year.  Do you remember how many months there are in a year?  Can you say the months in order?  You could try to begin with a different month each time and not always begin with January!  Here is a link to a song about the months.  You could sing this song with your family.

It is a holiday weekend so our learning grid activities will begin next Wednesday.  Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this time with your families.

Have a great day, everyone.

Mrs Herbison 


Good morning!

Good morning, everyone!

Just a quick reminder – Monday 4th May is a school holiday and Tuesday 5th May is an in-set day. These will not be formal learning days.

Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to hearing your news on Wednesday.

Mrs Webster


Good Morning everyone. I can’t believe we have reached the end of another week. Well done for all your good learning this week.

Today is the start of a new month. Can you say the months of the year in the correct order?

You could get active and practise them with this fun song.

Earlier this week we were thinking about Superheroes. Some of you might already know about this fun competition to design a Superhero bear.

Children of Britain invited to share their designs to create a “super-bear”’ cuddly toy using #DesignYourSuperBear to be sold at Christmas – with 100% of the profits going to the NHS

Here is the link and more information if you would like to take part.

If you choose to do this activity I would love to see all your Super-Bear designs. Someone from our class has already designed a fantastic bear. I think it looks amazing. Well done!

We had a few questions yesterday about Maths. You should have received a password for Heinemann Active Maths but you will not be able to use it until we assign activities to our class. We are planning to do this for the week beginning 11th May. We will let you know via this blog when we have done this. If you want to use Sumdog, remember you must do the diagnostic test first as this will then allow your child to access work at the appropriate level. I have attached the link with information to help you.

Please read – important information regarding Sumdog (3)

I hope you all have a lovely long weekend. Enjoy spending time with your families. We look forward to hearing from you next week.

Mrs Mills


Story Time from Home – Thursday 3oth April

Hello boys and girls

Here is the link to Thursday’s story which today includes all of the Oxford Reading Tree f.amily.

Well done to everyone who has had a go at making the puppets that I mentioned on Monday’s video.  The weather isn’t looking quite so nice today ( it is actually raining in Bathgate this morning) so maybe you could have some time away from the tablets and ipads and try some puppet making ?

One of the children made puppets of her family rather than BIff and Chip which i thought was a great idea. You can see the photograph below.

Have fun whatever you do!

Miss McDermott

Good Morning Thursday 30th April 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2b

I hope you enjoyed reading and writing poems yesterday. I have been out lots of walks and on these I noticed lots of shadows. I thought you might like to have some fun learning about shadows and making shadow pictures.


I have found a you tube link to help you learn about shadows and some ideas to use  your own toys to help make some shadow drawings. If you have time I would love to see these and share them on twitter.

I found this poem about shadows mabye you can make some actions to go with it and perform it to your family.

Lets Play Shadows Poem

Lets play shadows in the sun

I can make my shadow run!

I can make my shadow crouch down small

Or reach up, very, very tall

I can make my shadow jump around

Or do patterns on the ground

My shadow is weary, see him creep,

Slowly curl up, go to sleep.


Below are some ideas to use some toys to make shadow pictures.



Have fun using shadows!

Mrs Boyle

Primary 2A Thursday 30.4.20

Good morning, everyone!  I hope you are having a good week.  I have enjoyed reading your emails and spending time outdoors.  Even though it was cooler yesterday and a little rainy, I still enjoyed my walk along the river.  I saw many squirrels and a couple of rabbits.  I could also hear lots of birds singing in the trees.  Have you noticed any wildlife when you have been outdoors?  Let me know what you have seen?

Happy 100th Birthday

Today is the 100th birthday of Captain Tom Moore.  He has been in the news quite a lot over the last few weeks.  Here is a link to Newsround where you can find out a little more about him.

I hope you enjoy learning a little more about Captain Tom Moore.  Can you find out the name of the song he has been singing?  Let me know if you find out.

Have a great day, everyone!

Mrs Herbison 


Good Morning, P2A Wednesday, 29th April

Good morning, everyone.  I hope you are well and had a wonderful day yesterday.  My day begins by reading emails and I always enjoy finding out about the activities you have been doing with your families.  Yesterday, I read an email telling me all about someone in our class helping their family by counting all the cows and their calves every morning – super outdoor numeracy activity.  I enjoyed reading about another pupil who used chalk to practise writing phonics on the garden path.  I also know that many of you have been helping to make lunch and dinner at home, fantastic skills.

One pupil in our class also made lunch and dinner for the birds in their garden – bird feeders.  This is a super activity to do at home and you can enjoy watching the birds in your garden.  I really enjoy sitting quietly and spotting all the different birds.  It’s quite exciting watching them flying to the bird feeders.  This is an activity you could possibly do, too.

I hope you like my photographs.  I took them last June in my mum’s garden.  It was very exciting watching the mummy feed her chick.

Here is a link to the RSPB website where there are lots of ideas:

Let me know if you see any birds.

Have a great day!

Mrs Herbison