Good Morning 3A!
I can’t believe it’s our last day together in P3!
Today we wish Ms Occardi a very happy retirement. Congratulations! I know she will be back in to see us again soon. Our end of year gifts to the class are ready in school. I’ll make sure you get these on our first day back.
Well done for all your hard work this year both before and during lockdown. It’s not been a normal Term 4 but I have enjoyed hearing from you via email and looking at your progress online. We finish our last piece of online learning on a high! For the Sumdog West Lothian contest, 3A finished in 6th position overall(out of 377 classes) and a girl in our class finished 2nd position individually(out of 1961 pupils). Amazing news!
I have been in school this week getting organised for next year. I am very pleased to be teaching P4A next year. I hope you are happy with this news too!
Have a wonderful holiday and I look forward to seeing all of your happy faces in August.
Mrs Bell