P1c Skeleton Challenges – 25th October

This week we have been reading the Funnybones stories all about 3 skeletons – a big skeleton, a little skeleton and a dog skeleton.

We have been learning why the skelton is an important part of the body and have been getting quite good at naming some of the different bones including skull, spine, ribs and pelvis.

We  practised our cutting skills to make these super Hallowe’en skeleton decorations which are going to be put up for the party in the hall.

We also enjoyed taking part in a special outdoor team challenge with our P6 buddies to make skeletons using sticks and stones. Everyone had to take part in finding the materials and then building the skeleton.

Here is a link to the Go Noodle “Bones” song that we have been singing and dancing along to in class!


P1c Pumpkin Soup Making – 24 October

It might not quite be Hallowe’en yet but P1c are getting in the mood. This morning we enjoyed  reading the story Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper, then we got busy carving pumpkins and making our own pumpkin soup.

Today we not only practised cutting the vegetables but also grating them too. After playtime we enjoyed having the soup with some bread for snack.   A big thank you to Mrs Smith and Mrs Kemsley (our student teacher from Edinburgh University) for their help this morning.

A “cracking” time in P1c – 3rd Oct

This week we have been learning the sound ‘e ‘ and the Jolly  Phonics action is to pretend that you are cracking an egg. So we decided to crack some  real eggs and  made some delicious omelettes for snack today.  Everyone passing the classroom stopped to ask what the lovely smell was! As you can see most of us enjoyed eating the omelettes too! Thank you to Mrs Smith who was our head chef today.