P1a Visit to Botanic Gardens

Today we visited the Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh to learn why SWAF is important for bears and animals.  SWAF stands for SHELTER, WATER, AIR and FOOD.  We enjoyed taking part in lots of games and activities and of course the teddy bear’s picnic (which unfortunately had to be indoors due to the weather).

A big thank you to Mrs Fullerton for joining us at short notice after I had sent letters saying that we would not need parent helpers today.


Health & Wellbeing Week in P1a

This week we have taken part in lots of different activities to help us learn about improving our health and wellbeing.

On Monday morning we practised our movement skills playing games at Enjoy-a Ball with Paul.

In the afternoon, we had great fun learning dance moves with some girls from P7 – we were even able to show off some of our own dance moves as we love dancing in P1a!

On Tuesday we had a more relaxing day with Amy from Relax Kids. We learned how to control our breathing and keep calm if we were feeling worried or upset.   We also got to lie down and relax while Amy told us a lovely relaxing story.

Wednesday was a lovely sunny day and our first, very exciting sports day at Linlithgow Primary School.  Miss McDermott was too busy picking up javelins to take very many photographs!

All week we have been recording the number of healthy snacks we have been eating. On Thursday we talked about what we thought were healthy foods.  We worked in groups to sort foods in to groups of eat more and eat less.

Lots of us also brought our bikes and scooters to school and enjoyed taking part in the obstacle course.

Before assembly on Friday we discussed getting help in an emergency and when it is appropriate to call to 999.  We enjoyed taking part in some role play however lots us don’t know our home addresses which is perhaps some homework for the holidays!!