Internet Safety Day and Mango Tasting in P1a!

This week we have been talking about what we think the internet is! (Please note – all of the children took part in the discussion but they did not all want to be filmed!)

We played some games with our buddies about staying safe when using the internet.  The games included talking about things like not sharing passwords or logins and what to do if something pop ups on the screen and you don’t know what it is or don’t like it.   We have learned that we should always tell a grown up.  Here are some photos of us playing the internet safety game with our buddies.

The buddies also helped us to play another game which was  all about emotions –  which as you will probably know is something else we are learning about this term.  Hopefully we will now be able to play this game in the classroom with each other.

We are enjoying learning all about China and rehearsals are well underway for our assembly next week.  Miss McDermott read a famous Chinese story all about the Monkey King.

In the story, the monkeys eat mangoes and collect them from the trees.  Lots of us hadn’t seen or tried mango so today for a little treat we had mango for snack.  Some of us helped Mrs Smith to cut up the mango ( and remembered our good handwashing skills first).  We did a quick hands up survey and most of us seemed to enjoy it – just like the monkeys in the story!!!