P1 Christmas Party

This afternoon both classes were very excited to have our Christmas party.  We all looked super in our party clothes and enjoyed dancing and playing games together in the hall with Mrs Ritchie as the DJ! We had made our own place mats with our names on them for snack but thank you to our Pupil Support Workers for laminating them and setting out and tidying up the tables and  to Mrs Malone who  also came along to help out.

We  had also written to Santa inviting him to our party so you can imagine how excited we were when he popped in to say hello  and give us a little gift just before Christmas.

We hope you enjoy looking at all our fantastic photographs!


A very busy day for P1a!

This morning we were very excited to visit the P7 Christmas market which was raising money for the PJ foundation.  We loved looking at all the stalls and admiring the lovely things that the P7 children had made. Lots of goodies were bought and the Grinch nerf gun challenge was very popular too! Well done P7 – you made a super effort and hopefully have raised lots of money too!

Later we had a special Christmas craft afternoon with our P6a buddies back in our own classroom.  Everyone learned about the story of the Christingle and made one using an orange, red ribbon, a small candle, some cocktail sticks and dried fruit.

Below are some lovely pictures of us making lots of different Christmassy things with the buddies!


Choir visit to Linlithgow Care Home, 7th December 2017

The choir visited the Linlithgow Care Home last week and performed a range of Christmas songs. The children in the choir were given a warm welcome and sang beautifully, everyone agreed that they were a real credit to the school. The residents and staff thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon!

Thank you to the parent helpers who walked with the children. The choir’s next Christmas visit is to Templars Court on Thursday 14th December.

“The best way to spread Christmas Cheer is singing loud for all to hear!”