P1a Hallowe’en Activity Afternoon

A big thank you to all the grown ups who came in to the classroom to join us this afternoon.  The boys and girls loved having you and your help was much appreciated!

The activities included traditional Hallowe’en things such as dooking for apples but also playing games like pin the nose on the witch and  a skeleton dice game.  We did some craft activities too – making trick or treat bags and bats and also decorating gingerbread pumpkins.  One slightly more unusual activity was the science “space rocks” where we had to drip vinegar on to the rocks to see what happened…

Last week of our first term in P1a!

It’s hard to believe that we have now completed our first term in Primary 1 at LPS.  We’ve been doing lots of learning across all curricular areas – here is just a little look at the last week of term!

This week’ s sound was “r”.  We enjoyed reading the story Robot Rumpus and making our own robots for team challenge.  The focus for this week’s challenge was to share resources and we were allowed to swap with each other and to use the swap box! Miss McDermott is very pleased at how well we are working in teams .

Well done to everyone for taking part in Show and Tell this week.  There were lots of interesting things and we were able to practise our talking and listening skills including asking and answering questions.  Two of the most popular items were the space rock and the pea pods – both of which caused lots of excitement for quite different reasons!

We were delighted to be joined by our P6a buddies this week who had chosen some poems to share with us.  (Originally we planned to do this on National Poetry Day which was on the 28 September however there were several other things on in school that day!) In particular we were listening and talking about rhyming words in poems as this is something we have been doing as part of our  literacy learning.

We are just about at the end of our fairy tales topic but we’ve enjoyed doing some drama activities about the Three Little Pigs and have been amazed at how quickly our beanstalks have grown.  We have been very keen to compare the size of them even though they were all planted on the same day! We’ve also been practising our drawing skills – look at these fantastic big bad wolves!

Over the past few weeks we have been learning a lovely autumn song with Mrs McWhirter, our music specialist.  We hope you enjoy watching us perform it!

P6A visit to Edinburgh Zoo

P6A had a great day at the zoo yesterday.





We watched the tapir and her baby walking round their enclosure.  It was interesting to see that the baby looked totally different to his mum with his watermelon stripes.



This koala was sleeping in what looked like a very uncomfortable position.  We noticed he had 3 fingers and 2 thumbs on each front paw and decided we would find out how he used them.

We were able to stand really close to the wallabies as we walked through their open enclosure.



The tiger spent the whole time walking from one side of his enclosure to the other.  We wondered why he walked backwards and forward along the same path – was he thinking about something?   We also saw how the stripes on his fur helped to camoflage his body in the long grass.

We didn’t see the giant pandas but learned from their keeper about how giant pandas have adapted from omnivores to eating bamboo with the development of a thumb-like digit on their front paws.

We visited the penguins and learned about their life cycles and breeding habits. Josie told us you can only find out whether penguins are male or female by a blood test.  We also learned that the King penguins one of three species at the zoo are the second biggest of all penguins.

We visited many of the monkeys but learned most about the gibbons.  Did you know all buff cheeked gibbon babies are born beige and the males turn black at puberty? The family have a ‘song’ they sing every morning to tell other gibbons this is their territory.  Gibbons also sing to find a mate – if they like the song they hear they will pair up for life. This photograph shows the close link between monkeys and humans:

Finally we learned that Edinburgh Zoo usually have two male rhinos.  When they hit puberty they have to be separated because they fight trying to decide who is boss and so they go to other zoos to find a mate.  Our most amazing fact of the day: a baby rhino can drink up to FIFTY pints of milk a day.

We all gave our trip to the zoo a very high score out of ten – our only complaints were that we wanted to stay longer and that some animals were not outside for viewing (lions and pandas).

We will be learning more about animal adaptations in the next few weeks and we wonder where our next trip will be.

P6A and Mrs Marshall

A busy week in P1a!

This has been our final week learning about Jack and the Beanstalk and with the help of Mrs Smith we have planted our own magic beans! We have been looking at some information books to find out what plants need but now we will just have to be patient and watch our little seeds carefully to see if they grow.

As you may have seen on Twitter we enjoyed a visit from Mrs Vorster who brought along her Scottish harps.  We particularly enjoyed clapping, singing and even dancing along to the music as you can you see on these short video clips!


We are continuing to learn our Jolly Phonics sounds and are making good progress in blending these using the magnetic boards and letters.  This week our new sounds were “e” and “h”.  We read lots of Elmer the elephant stories and created a lovely display of our work outside our classroom .

The team challenge was all about “h” as we had to make hedgehog houses – outdoors of course!

Mr Ross and Mr Fagin our school janitors also popped into P1a this week to tell us all about the jobs that they do in the school.  They also asked if we could help them by not dropping litter in the playground and by not filling the sinks in the toilets up with water and letting them overflow!

Exciting week next week – our first show and tell! Please remember to check the letter and try hard to make sure children bring item on correct day.  Please speak to me (or Mrs Smith)  if your child is worried or upset about this at all – it should be a nice fun way for us to end our first term in P1!