P1a – Castles and Crowns

As part of our Fairy Tales focus and our learning in social studies our topic is now Jack and the Beanstalk.  As you know Jack climbed to the top of the beanstalk and into the Giant’s castle – today it wasn’t quite so exciting as climbing to the top of a beanstalk but it was very exciting heading off on the bus to Blackness Castle on our very first school trip!  Thank you to all our parent helpers who ensured we had an enjoyable and safe visit.

You will see from the photographs that as well as having a look round the castle we had a short talk from a Historic Scotland guide and enjoyed handling lots of castle artefacts too.  (Please note that some of the children did not want to try on the chainmail and/or helmet.)

In the afternoon we talked about people who might have lived in the castle and practised our Jolly Phonics sound for this  “c”.  We then made these lovely crowns and practised our royals waves!