There is a Buzz about P2b!

Primary 2b have been learning about different minibeasts. Yesterday they were finding out all about bees.  They found out lots of interesting facts about bees and how important they are. Today Mr Taylor brought in a Bee suit and gloves that a bee keeper would use to check a hive.

There were lots of unanswered questions that they still need to find out.  – How fast can Bees fly? Do Bees sleep? What do Bees eat in the Winter? Does all honey taste the same?

‘Curse of the Stewarts’ – Film Premiere

Last night saw the Premiere of the ‘Curse of the Stewarts’ – 6 short films created by pupils from S2 at Linlithgow Academy and performed by all our P6 pupils here at Linlithgow Primary.

S2 Created the scripts and our P6 pupils acted them out. They were filmed at various locations down at the Palace by a professional film company. These short funny films will be used to help visitors to the Historic Scotland Website engage with some colourful characters of our past; James I, James II, James III, James IV, James V and Mary Queen of Scots.

Review of Inspection Findings

Launch of ‘Quality and improvement in Scottish education 2012-16’ report  Chief Education Inspector Dr Bill Maxwell has published a review of inspection findings (click bold text for link to report), over the last four years, highlighting some areas of growing strength and five key areas for further improvement.                  

The report covers all sectors and makes engaging reading for those interested. It covers all areas from early years provision to adult learning and gives a narrative summary of findings from inspections and other evaluative activities gathered from observing practice at first hand across the whole country.