Category Archives: General Information

Exciting Week for P7

What a week this has been for P7. The current West Lothian Sportshall champions went to the Jack Kane Sports Centre on Wednesday to participate in the East of Scotland Finals. The competition was fast and furious and we came eighth on the day. We are very proud of the effort and sportsmanship our team put in. Well done everyone and thank you to Mr Stewart and Active Schools Coordinator Stewart Livingston for organising this great opportunity for our school, and to Abby Cowan for her help and support.

Today, 15 of our pupils took part in a netball tournament at Parkhead Primary School. Both teams had a great time and won lots of matches. We are excitedly waiting on the overall results.

In science this week, pupils were investigating reflections using mirrors. This was a great, fun activity where pupils had to try out getting different results by bending the mirrors or moving them around. They also tried looking at the alphabet, trying to find letters and then a word that could be shown complete by reflecting half of it. Photos below…


Sportshall Athletics West Lothian Champions


We are delighted to announce that 20 members our P7 class have just been crowned the Sportshall Athletics West Lothian Champions. Way back in October the children were given the choice to take part in the athletics competition. Those who didn’t assisted Mr Stewart with recording times, setting up the athletics tracks and organising their peers into the correct groups. It was a real team effort. We took part in the competition alongside our cluster schools and in every event there were points to gain. We came 1st in our cluster event which was a super achievement in itself. We then had to wait until 6 other clusters held their event. The two schools with the most points would then go on to represent West Lothian at the Regional Championships. We just found out a few days ago that not only have we qualified but we are the winning primary school in the whole of West Lothian. A remarkable achievement. Well done to all members of the P7 class. We are very proud of you.


LVPS Sport and PE

School Teams

We  have had a busy few weeks at LVPS. Our netball team played a friendly with our friends from Riverside PS. Both teams played really well with lots of fantastic passing and great goals scored. Our next match is on Feb 22nd at Parkhead Primary.

Our 2 basketball teams took part in the West Lothian Primary league Tournament. They played really well and a big thank you to Abby and Ms Taylor for being fantastic coaches.

The girls football team are training every Tuesday and are working really hard. They have their next match scheduled for Feb 16th.

The school football team have been in winter shutdown mode but I have managed to secure two matches in March. We play Knightsridge on March 7th at LVPS and Meldrum away on March 21st. I am also delighted to announce that Stevie Johnston from WLFA (also a parent of a P1 child in our school) is going to provide football training sessions for the team on a Tuesday lunchtime. This will start on Tuesday 20th February.

Our school handball team took part in the final round of fixtures of the Livingston Handball league. I am very proud to announce that our school are the Livingston Champions!!! Well done team. This was a very competitive league and all 15 members of the team have contributed significantly. We are all very proud! We have now qualified for the WL Championships in March with 5 other teams. The top 2 teams will then go on to the National Championships to represent WL. Watch this space.

If your child is part of one of our 5 teams above. Please keep encouraging them to check the sports noticeboard outside the gym hall. This is updated every Friday by our Sports Captains. No letters are issued for training sessions. Letters will only be issued when their is a match to be played.

Coming up next week:

Extra-Curricular Activity @ LVPS week beginning 5th Feb

Mon: Sports Committee meeting at lunch. Multi Sports 3:30pm – 4:15pm p3and4

Tues: Dance Club at lunch p6/7. Girls Football 3:30pm – 4:15pm

Wed: Handball p4-6 3:30pm – 4:30pm

Thursday: Basketball team training 3:30pm – 4:30pm

For the most up to date information please follow us on twitter @LVPSSportandPE


Coming Soon in collaboration with our fantastic Sports Committee

  • Our first Sports Spotlight winners will be announced at next weeks assembly.
  • Sportathon (raising money for school funds)
  • P1 and P2 multi sports club ( a letter will be issued shortly. 25 children max)
  • PLSA (The sports committee will be running playground sporting activities at lunch for p1-p4 from March)
  • Potential After school clubs next term : Bootcamp for children and parents/carers, running club, football for p1-p3


Once again, thank you to all parents/carers for your continued support. We strive to provide the best sporting opportunities for your children to encourage an active and healthy lifestyle.


Mr Stewart


This week Primary 2 pupils started an 8 week block of Futsal.  The children will be working with a coach from the West Lothian Youth Foundation for one session each week to develop their ball skills, in particular ball control.  The main difference between Futsal and football is that the ball is heavier and should never leave the ground.  Futsal is also only played indoors.  The children all engaged well during the first lesson and we look forward to seeing the children develop their skills over the next few months.  Here are some photos of the children’s first session.

P1M Learning Reflection W/E 12.01.18

Happy New Year to you all! I hope you had a relaxing holiday and are ready for another busy term. P1 have been learning how to subtract within 10. We have enjoyed playing games to help us understand what happens to our numbers if we take away. In Literacy we have been learning the sound ‘v’ and tricky word put. For the next few weeks we will be having a Scottish focus in our learning. We learned about Nessie, the Loch Ness monster and where it lives. Here are a few of our highlights from the week:

James: I enjoyed P.E. and making different single leg balances.

Zach: I enjoyed finding out about Nessie!

Calum: I enjoyed learning the new sound ‘v’ and making words with the new sound.

Alanice: I enjoyed learning how to take away.

Safia: I enjoyed playing hop off, which helped me learn about take away as I had to take some bears off the bus.

Lewis: I enjoyed French and learning how to say my age in French.

Aiden: I enjoyed having a circle time and reflecting on  my learning from the week.