Category Archives: Primary 3/2

P2 This Week- 25.2.19

In gymnastics, we created sequences with travelling, jumping and rolling. We videoed them to reflect on our learning. Next week, we will try to improve them.


We have continued to learn about time, introducing digital times for o’clock and half past. In Number Talks, we shared strategies for addition.

Our phonic sound was ew this week which links to oo and u-e sound for next week. We have now learned how to write all of the letters of the alphabet as capitals. We shared some of the adventures of Flat Stanley, and will continue sharing these next week.

In art, we painted and drew Spring flowers.

Remember, if you know of any grandparents who would like to share what life was like for them growing up, we would love to hear from them.

This Week in P2

We had great fun during Golden Time this week!

We enjoyed a performance by MK Duo, on Wednesday, when they played their guitars and mandolin for us. We have been continuing to learn to tell the time using o’clock, half past and quarter past…just ‘quarter to’ to conquer now!

We continue to enjoy using Sumdog on the computer to consolidate our numeracy.

We were learning about what kitchens were like in Granny’s day and watched a video from 1966 of a lady baking a cake. We spotted all the differences from then and now.

If any grandparents would like to come in and share what life was like as a child, please contact us through the school office. We would love to hear about games, toys and life in general- any objects or photos you have would also be welcomed!

We are almost finished learning to write the letters of the alphabet in capitals- we are getting really good at it. In literacy, we also learned what a homophone is and had fun playing a game about different homophones- ask us about it.

Have a nice weekend and enjoy any adventures that you get up to with Flat Stanley!

Art in P2 – Ming Vases


For Chinese New Year we created our own Ming vases using blue pastels and looked at designs on photographs of Ming vases for inspiration. We then painted our backgrounds for the vases in ink and they have made a beautiful wall display for the classroom!

ERIC Time in P2

Look at how engaged we were at ERIC time (Everyone Reads In Class) today!

We also had a lovely assembly about Valentines Day by the nursery and then after Golden time talked about how impressed Mrs Cooper was with everyone including each other in their play and sharing their toys. The children reflected on a time they felt included and how it made them feel.

Have a lovely long weekend everyone!

Mrs Cooper

Active Learning For Numeracy



In February P2 have been learning about tens.

We counted in 10’s and recognised the pattern is similar to counting in 1’s except the number has a zero on the end.

We used a wide variety of concrete materials ( lollipop sticks, counters, Diennes materials, cubes and multilink) to make bundles ( groups) of ten to help us count in tens.

We have been practicing adding on 1 more and 10 more or finding 1 less and 10 less from a number.

On the computer we used the Topmarks website to play place value basketball – you can play it at home too. Here is the link.

Mrs Cooper

P2 This Week

P2 have been learning to tell the time with o’clock and 1/2 past. They have worked on balancing simple equations using cubes and pan balances to help them. Mrs Aitken came to visit on Wednesday to help up learn sounds using Vowel House, which was lots of fun. We wrote Friendship Recipes and welcomed Quiet Critters into our classroom. We want them to stay so we are going to work very hard to create a quiet classroom. As it was Chinese New Year this week, we created beautiful Ming vases using paint and pastel. We also had fun watching Aiden’s dad repair the pagoda- thank you!

Well done to Pola for being last week’s star of the week and John who had the privileges this week!

P2’s Week

Happy New Year to everyone. P2 have settled back into school. We have been learning about the geography of Scotland and where we are in relation to the rest of the UK.

We have also been learning about how to be resilient when things are toughter for us. We have been sharing our favourite books with the class. In maths, we have learned about capacity, investigating how much water different containers can hold.

Well done to Aakruti for being our class pupil of the week for writing!

P2 This Week

We loved performing our nativity this week. We have also enjoyed writing about Christmas and ordering Christmas words alphabetically. We finished working on our Moon pictures in Science. In P.E., we have been following instructions to learn dances for our Christmas party which is on Wednesday 19th December.