Category Archives: Primary 1

P1’s weekly reflection 6.9.19

Another busy week in Primary 1. This week we have been learning the sounds and t.  Now we know m, a, s, d and t we have begun to build some simple words.  It would be good if you could practise looking for these sounds at home and when you are out and about in the local environment.

In our numeracy this week we have been learning the numbers 6 and 7 and have been learning the days of the week.  There are lots of songs on Youtube to help the children learn their numbers and days of the week, have fun singing these together at home.

This week the children have shown a great interest in playing mummies and daddies in the house corner so we have begun to look at learning about Our Families and have talked about diversity and how everyone’s family is different.

In PE we have been developing our listening skills as we learned to follow instructions while playing a game with partners.

Here are some of the children’s comments about their learning this week:

Elise “I liked playing in the house corner with Nieve and being a mummy and I liked drawing.”

Georgie ” I liked playing doctors and playing with Penelope and Sahasra. I liked playing with every single person in the playground.”

Sophie ” I liked learning and playing with Eva.”

Ruby ” I liked playing doctors with Penelope.”

Penelope “I liked playing tag outside with Georgie and Ruby.”

Elloise “I liked playing doctors in the house corner and drawing.”


P1 Weekly Update 30.08.19

Our first full week in Primary One has been fun but tiring!  We have been learning lots of new things and everyone is settling in nicely to the new Primary One routines.  This week in our literacy we have been learning the sounds m, a and s.  We looked for these letters in the sand, we made them out of playdoh, practised forming them at the writing table and told teddy how to write them.

In our number work we have been learning the numbers 0-5 and we are becoming really good at counting forwards and backwards.  Next week we will move on to numbers to 10.

We have been learning about staying safe while crossing the road and talked about how to use a zebra crossing, an underpass and the Green Man to help us.  We have been using Go Safe With Ziggy, check it out at home using the following link:

We have settled in quickly to the lunchtime routines and many of us have been enjoying the school dinners and going out to play with our buddies.

Thanks to all the parents who have remembered to name their children’s belongings, it has made returning misplaced items so much easier.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

P1a Learning Reflection W/E 21st June 2019

P1 have been thoroughly enjoying our first week of fitness fortnight. On Monday we took part in sports day and loved all the different activities. On Tuesday we went to boot camp in the morning and football in the afternoon. On Wednesday we enjoyed meeting our new teacher and playing playground games with P1b. On Thursday we had great fun at aerobics with Mrs Brown where we were doing lunges, squats, the Highland fling plus lots more. We also enjoyed a taster session of Judo. In literacy this week we have been revising the sounds and tricky words learned this year. In writing we wrote about what we are looking forward to in Primary 2. In numeracy and maths this week we have been revising giving change from 10p and playing mental maths games. We have also been learning about the names of our body parts and talking about families and how they are all unique. On Thursday we had our star of the week circle time and Coben is our star of the week. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Lois: “I enjoyed learning about families and how they are all different.”

Ch: “I enjoyed doing Judo.”

Leighton: “I enjoyed maths this week and giving change from 10p.”

Rory: “I also enjoyed Judo this week.”

Isaac: “I enjoyed winning the race at sports day.”

Ziva: “I enjoyed Judo as well.”

Sam: “I enjoyed Judo. I liked when we were being turtles.”

P1a Learning Reflection W/E 14th June

In Literacy this week P1 have learned the new sound ‘oa’ as in boat and the tricky word watch. We taught ted how to write oa words, played roll and read, wrote the oa sound and oa words and completed a worksheet all about oa. In writing we wrote about our magic moments from our year in Primary 1. There was quite a range from learning how to read to taking part in our nativity. In Maths this week we were continuing to learn about symmetry and created more symmetrical patterns. In Numeracy we practised our doubles and number bonds to 20 through playing games. We held our star of the week circle time and Ziva is our new star. On Wednesday we had our sharing assembly for challenging our mind set. The majority of the week was taken up with preparation for our assembly about the life cycle of a butterfly. We had great fun learning our lines and song. Miss Maclachlan is very proud of how quick we learned our lines and how confident we have all become. We hope you enjoyed our assembly and thank you for coming along. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Ch: “I enjoyed all of our assembly.”

Sam: “I enjoyed assembly. I loved singing the song even although kneeling hurt my knees.”

Ziva: “I enjoyed assembly and watching the Hungry Caterpillar.”

Ayden: “I found learning the new sound oa easy.”

Leighton: “I enjoyed being a caterpillar. I also enjoyed the sharing assembly on Wednesday.”

Lois: “I enjoyed having our parents watching our assembly and I thought my friends looked great.”

Euan: “I enjoyed all of our assembly on the life cycle of a butterfly.”

Isaac: “I enjoyed our assembly.”

Sevinc: “I enjoyed our assembly and saying my lines.”

P1 Homework 10th June 2019

Primary 1 have our assembly this Friday 14th June at 9.15am. Our homework this week is reading and to practise our lines for assembly. Our lines for assembly have been stuck into our reading records. If anyone has butterfly or fairy wings could these please be brought into school? Thank you for your continued support.

P1a Learning Reflection W/E 7/6/19

Another busy week for Primary 1. In maths we have been investigating symmetry. We have learned what symmetrical means and identified lines of symmetry in shapes, pictures and patterns. We had a go at creating symmetrical pictures of our own. In Literacy we learned two new sounds ai and ow and the tricky word they. We completed worksheets where we had to write words with the sounds ai and ow, played roll and read and did handwriting. In writing we wrote about our trip to Mill Farm. We had to include at least three things that we did. We have a new star of the week. It is Emma. This week with the nursery we were learning about the Life Cycle of a chicken. We watched a video and then completed a worksheet where we had to cut and stick the pictures in the right order. We sorted living, non-living and never lived objects into the correct columns. On Friday, we went to Primary 2’s assembly on Minibeasts. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:
Sam: “I learned what symmetry means. It was a little tricky completing the pictures to make them symmetrical.”
Euan: “I found it tricky completing the pictures to ensure they were symmetrical.”
Sevinc: “I enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a chicken with the Nursery.”
Lois: “I enjoyed the star of the week circle time and listening to what makes Emma special.”
Isaac: “I enjoyed Primary 2’s assembly. My favourite part was the minibeast song.”
Ayden: “I enjoyed learning the new sounds and making words with these sounds.”
Murdo: “I learned the new sound ai.”

P1a Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 24th May

This week in Literacy P1a have learned the ‘ur’ sound and the tricky word some. We made words such as burn, hurt, purse, nurse etc. We played roll and read, Snakes and Ladders and tell ted. In Maths this week we have been continuing to explore measurement. We looked at measuring weight using a pan balance and measuring capacity of containers using words such as half full, full and empty. For IDL we went on a walk around the school grounds looking for signs of nature and created a tally chart of the things we saw such as flowers, birds etc. We also looked at living, non-living and never lived objects. In P.E we continued to practise our skills in Tennis. We used a ball to practise catching and then a racquet to push the ball to a partner. On Thursday we had music again with Mrs Curle. We played rhyming games whilst singing. Some of us got the opportunity to play claves or a drum during one of the games. We had our star of the week circle time and our new star of the week is Ayden. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Isaac: “I enjoyed learning the tricky word some.”

Ayden: “I enjoyed assembly remembering the school values.”

Ziva: “I enjoyed exploring measurement.”

Ch: “I enjoyed Mrs Mill’s assembly about respect.”

Lois: “I enjoyed learning about nature and going outside.”

Leighton: “I liked the assembly and talking about the different touches.”

Euan: “I enjoyed assembly. I liked the songs especially the last one Creativity.”

P1a Weekly Reflection week ending 17th May

Another week gone by with lots of learning for P1. We have been continuing to talk about our own uniqueness. On Wednesday we had our sharing assembly where Ayden and Sam spoke about what they can do and what they want to be able to do. Our new star of the week is Sam. We had our circle time where we gave Sam a compliment. In Literacy, we have learned two new sounds aw as in paw and are as in care. We played snakes and ladders, taught ted words and did handwriting of aw and are. In maths, we have been exploring measurement. We have been discovering how to find out how long objects are. We used cubes, gems, counters, bears, Lego and our hand spans to find out how long or tall objects are in the classroom. This week for nursery transition we listened to the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar. We then painted our own butterflies. On Thursday we had music with Mrs Curle. We sung rhyming songs and listened to the story of Oi Frog. P1- P3 took part in Author’s Live with Emily McKenzie. We listened to her read her story There’s Broccoli in my Ice cream and then we drew along with her as she drew Granville her main character. In Science, we learned about electricity. We created a graph of the electrical items in the classroom. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Lois: “I enjoyed the minister’s assembly about children in other countries.”

Ch: “I enjoyed the assembly too like Lois.”

Euan: “I enjoyed P.E. this week. We are learning tennis.”

Ayden: “I liked the assembly.”

Murdo: “I found it tricky learning the new are sound.”

Leo: “I enjoyed learning our two new sounds.”

Ziva: “This week I liked learning our new sounds.”

P1a Learning Reflection W/E 10th May 2019

A short but busy week this week. In Literacy this week P1 learned another split diagraph, the u-e sound as in dude. We looked for u-e or oo words in a word search, played roll and read and completed hold a sentence, where we had to listen to a sentence then write it down. In numeracy this week we have been working on our adding and subtracting within 20. We played four in a row, found the missing number bonds and played funky mummy on the I Pads where we had to add to 10 then 20. Also this week we spoke about our next wellbeing tool of respect yourself. We spoke about what makes us unique and special. We completed a flower where we drew what makes us special. We also welcomed nursery to our class for the first of their transition visits. On Friday we went to Primary 6’s assembly all about their camp. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Ziva: “I enjoyed playing with the children from the nursery.”

Euan: “I am the same as Ziva. I enjoyed having the nursery to play.”

Leighton: “I enjoyed P6’s assembly. I liked the videos and campfire songs.”

Ayden: “I enjoyed watching the canoeing video from P6 camp.”

Lois: “I liked P6’s assembly. I can’t wait till I can go to camp.”

Ch: “I liked everything about Primary 6’s assembly.”

Isaac: “I liked all of the assembly about P6 camp.”

Sevinc: “I liked the campfire songs sung by Logan and Calum.”