Category Archives: Class Posts

P1M’s busy week.

In Primary 1M we have had yet another busy week. We have performed our nativity to the whole school and our parents twice as well as that we have been practicing our sounds and working hard on mastering the ‘th’ sound. This is tricky but if we persevere we will get there. We are continuing to develop our mathematical language through number talks. We also enjoyed some yoga in class on Thursday. Here are a couple of pictures of us in our Nativity costumes: 

The Wriggly Nativity

Last week saw Primary 1K, Primary 1M and Primary 2 perform our Wriggly Nativity three times, first of all on the Monday for the whole school then the Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning for our parents. The children did a fabulous job of telling the Christmas story. Miss Maclachlan, Ms King, Miss Whigham and Mrs Clyne are very proud of the children. We hope you enjoyed their performances.

Lego Challenge 2 – update!

Yesterday we designed and made some amazing marble mazes using our Lego blocks. Lots of collaboration, problem solving and testing of designs were carried out! The children thoroughly enjoyed the activity and these STEM challenges are proving very popular in P5!

Here are some pictures of the children testing each other’s designs.

Ask the children about the roles given during Lego Challenges and the rules they need to follow to ensure the challenge is successful!

Well done P5!

Mrs Taylor x

Christmas Stars

The little elves of P5 have been designing and creatively decorating beautiful wooden stars to take home for Christmas. We have packaged them up ready for the elves to take home next week. What a crafty bunch I have!


Mrs Taylor and the P5 elves …..ho, ho, ho!



P1K Class News update for w/e 8.12.17


During our learning reflection discussion, the children wanted to discuss what they have been enjoying about the Nativity rehearsals, here are their comments:

Holly – going on stage

Arya – playing the instruments, I play the bell for Twinkling Stars and Angels song

Nathan – I like doing the actions on stage

Caleb – speaking on stage, we’re watching our sheep, I am a shepherd

Poppy – I like Donkey Plodding and it’s fun when we fly on stage

Aakruti – I like to bow on the stage

Emma  – I ride all the way to Bethlehem because I am a wise person


For writing this week the children designed posters to advertise their Nativity, these were hung around the school. The children all met the success criteria by creating posters with a bright picture, title, date, time and location. Well done P1 and good luck with the show!


P1K Class News update for w/e 1.12.17

Update for week ending 1.12.17


Your children have been very busy learning to sew running stitch this week and have made Christmas stockings to sell at the fair. I am sure you will agree they look fantastic.


Scottish Book Week

During Scottish Book week the children enjoyed bringing in and sharing books from home during story time. We all helped to decorate our class door with our favourite book ‘Fox in Socks’ by Dr. Seuss. The children all designed their own patterned socks to add to the display, I think they look great. The highlight of the week was each child receiving a Bookbug P1 family bag of books from the Scottish Book Trust.

A busy couple of weeks for P1M

P1M have had a busy couple of weeks. Last week was book week and the children loved creating our Elmer display. We spent time colouring our very own Elmer then everyone coloured in a patch for the background. We also enjoyed reading a new story called Gorilla Loves Vanilla. The story included lots of wacky ice cream flavours such as worms. We loved creating our own flavours such as jam and sausages. We also learned about rhyming words. As Saturday was our Christmas fair we created our very own ornaments to hang on our Christmas trees. Both Primary 1 and Primary 2 have been busy rehearsing our nativity and look forward to performing this for you next week on Tuesday 12th December at 2.30pm and Wednesday 13th December at 10am. Here are a few pictures from our busy weeks:   

Lego Challenge

We have began our weekly Lego Challenge sessions yesterday, which are part of different STEM activities that will be taking place during the course of the school year. The children will be focusing on their communication, collaboration and listening skills during these sessions but will allow them to use creativity, problem solving and many other skills for their life-long learning.

The children also self-assessed their work and gave themselves targets for the next session. I can’t wait to see what the next session creates!!

Ask your child to explain what the criteria of the task was, and the skills their group demonstrated  to complete the challenge.

Here are some pictures of the groups and their models…