All posts by Ms King
P1K Star of the Week
Learning Reflection for W/E 12.01.18
This week we have been learning how to subtract an amount from a group and then counting what is left to find the answer.
Scotland Focus
We started our Scotland topic by having a discussion about what we already know about Scotland. Here are the children’s responses:
Caleb – I live in Scotland
Andrew – The American president is Scottish and he is not a real president
Maizy – Scotland is a very cold place
Nathan – Scotland is a country
Andrew – I am a lucky boy because I was born and live in Scotland
Highlights of the week
Andrew – being a news reader, I was asking a person who saw Nessie questions
Emma – I learned about Nessie
Aakruti – we made a play dough Nessie
Maizy – Learning about subtraction, it’s when you take away
Maddie – the take away sign means subtraction
Sophia – Nessie lives in Loch Ness
Holly – I like doing word building, rock and sock rhyme, they end with special friend ck
Ms King – My highlight was noticing how much the children have grown over the two week holiday, not just in height but in their attitude towards learning.
Happy New Year to all, I hope you had a lovely rest over the festive holidays and are ready for a very busy term!
Ms King x
Star of the Week
P1K Class News Update for w/e 15.12.17
Well done to all of the children from P1 & P2 who successfully performed their Wriggly Nativity, not once, not twice, but three times this week. You are all stars!
Paper Chains
The children have been busy decorating the classroom with number bond paper chains.
Christmas Feast
On Wednesday the children all enjoyed a very festive Christmas lunch. They had sparkly decorated tables, Christmas music and to top it all off Santa and the Elves were busy serving in the kitchen!
P1K Class News update for w/e 8.12.17
During our learning reflection discussion, the children wanted to discuss what they have been enjoying about the Nativity rehearsals, here are their comments:
Holly – going on stage
Arya – playing the instruments, I play the bell for Twinkling Stars and Angels song
Nathan – I like doing the actions on stage
Caleb – speaking on stage, we’re watching our sheep, I am a shepherd
Poppy – I like Donkey Plodding and it’s fun when we fly on stage
Aakruti – I like to bow on the stage
Emma – I ride all the way to Bethlehem because I am a wise person
For writing this week the children designed posters to advertise their Nativity, these were hung around the school. The children all met the success criteria by creating posters with a bright picture, title, date, time and location. Well done P1 and good luck with the show!
P1K Class News update for w/e 1.12.17
Update for week ending 1.12.17
Your children have been very busy learning to sew running stitch this week and have made Christmas stockings to sell at the fair. I am sure you will agree they look fantastic.
Scottish Book Week
During Scottish Book week the children enjoyed bringing in and sharing books from home during story time. We all helped to decorate our class door with our favourite book ‘Fox in Socks’ by Dr. Seuss. The children all designed their own patterned socks to add to the display, I think they look great. The highlight of the week was each child receiving a Bookbug P1 family bag of books from the Scottish Book Trust.
P1K Learning Reflection
Junior Road Safety Officers
The JRSO pupils came to talk to our class this week and they spoke to the whole school at assembly today. They reminded us of the green cross code and the importance of being bright and being seen during the dark winter months. Below are some comments the pupils made during our learning highlights conversation.
Aakruti – when the red light comes the cars need to stop
John – you press the button and wait for the green man
Nathan – when you cross the road you have got to hold a grown-up’s hand
Arya – when the green man is green you have to hold an adults hand and walk across the crossing.
Emma – car drivers can drive too fast they need to slow down
Big Maths
Arya – I like the learn its music
Holly – I liked learning double 1 and double 2
Sophia – I am learning double 3
Nathan – I like making numbers to ten
Hall decorations
We have been very busy this week making Christmas displays for the hall. P1 have been developing their fine motor skills using scissors to snip and cut out paper hands, snowflakes and poinsettias. Although challenging P1 persevered and as a result, their cutting skills have developed further and they have created lovely festive displays.
Aakruti – we made snowflakes you fold it into a triangle
Holly – you need to keep on folding it into a triangle 1 2 3 times. You cut shapes on it, you unfold it then you have a snowflake
Arya – we drew our hand and followed the line of our hand and cut the space between our finger to make a hand
Christmas Enterprise
The pupils have been developing their fine motor skills further this week by learning to sew running stitch. We are hoping to get our stockings finished in time for the Christmas fair.
Learning Highlights
Ten Frame
We had a conversation reflecting on our learning highlights this week. To begin with, the children were keen to discuss what they found out about using a ten frame.
Aakruti – using the ten square and counting different ways, I made different ways to make nine and eight we did four at the top and five at the bottom. Then for eight, four at the top and four at the bottom then six at the top and two at the bottom.
Sophia – I made five by adding two and three then three add two
Maddie – and four add one
Nathan – five and five make ten and nine add one equals ten, and eight and two equals ten
Book Buddies
We also enjoyed a visit from our P4 Book Buddies this week.
Jamie – Some bits were funny.
Poppy – I like to read with my buddy.
Emma – Owen is kind to me and he read me a story with 3 little pigs.
Story Sack
P1 are enjoying taking home story sacks to read and explore with their families. Story sacks cost 50p and are handed out on a Tuesday and returned the following Monday.