All posts by Ms King

Highlights for W/E 8.6.18

The children received a letter from the Friendly Dragon this week congratulating them on their beanstalks which are all growing nicely. The letter contained a challenge which the children chose to accept. Their challenge was to design a dragon for the classroom. They all had different ideas about what materials they should use. They made fantastic dragons using Lego, paper, plasticine, play scarves and Duplo.



Poppy – I liked making my dragon. First I got the face on, then I added the red lips and then I just got the pointing tool and pressed it for the eyes.

Maddie – I used a tool for the eyes. The tail was so easy, I just had to roll the tail and put spikey bits on.

Arya – Making the head was so hard because you need to roll it into a ball. The wings were easy because you just needed to get two. The eyes were easy too.

Emma  – I liked making my dragon I made it with plasticine.

Holly – I liked my dragon because I used plastic feet from the clay bit. I made the eyes all by myself. I got a white bit of plasticine and made a circle then I got a blue bit and did the same.

Sophia – So I got some play scarves and I got a chair and rolled two blue scarves up and I put them on the chair for eyes. I made the body from cushions and put a scarf over it. To make the wings I put the scarves around like an oval, like a real wing then I made a big long tail. The fire was red and we put it at its mouth. Andrew put the baby dragon under the head because it was about to be born. The chair was better because the body cushions would break the baby dragon.

Rayyaan – I liked making the dragon.

Caleb – I put fire and it was red and I put the wings on then I put the tail on.

Andrew – I made a big red dragon.

Aakruti – It was hard to cut.  I drew his face then I cut it out and stuck it to the body.

Nathan – I made a dragon out of pipe cleaners. I stuck them for the tummy and head and I drew the rest.

Within numeracy this week the children have been counting money. They have also explored swapping coins to make the same amount using different coins. I am very impressed with their money skills, some children were even able to count and swap money to the value of £5!




Highlights for W/E 1.6.18

Highlights of W/E 1.6.18

P1K had a very busy week. The children had great fun on the trip to Mill Farm. My highlight of the trip was observing the children’s teamwork skills when they were digging for bones in the excavation tent. P1 also presented their final assembly on Friday. I was very impressed with how they persevered during the microphone problems. They all did their best to speak in loud clear voices. Well done, you were all brilliant!


The children’s comments on their highlights and challenges are below:

Andrew – we let the butterflies go this week. One of them landed on a flower then it crawled onto my arm and it tickled.

Caleb – I enjoyed saying my lines in assembly.

Emma Ch – I enjoyed the assembly because I liked the very hungry caterpillar film. My challenge this week was learning my lines. At first, I kept forgetting but now it’s quite easy. I persevered and never gave up.

Nathan – I liked making the castle with the tunnels in the soft play, I made a little hole that I could crawl out.

Holly – at Mill Farm I was at a spooky bit with lights and noises, there was a wee house that I could hide in that was quite high.

Maizy – I enjoyed the school trip to Almond Valley. We went on the go-carts and I went on the tractors and we went to the soft play. I did some time challenges and I beat my score.

Sophia – I enjoyed going on the train and the jelly belly. My challenge was my lines I couldn’t get them at first my mum helped me to learn them and I got better.

A – I liked driving the cars at Mill Farm and I peddled it and controlled it. I went too fast then I started to slow down.

Rayyaan – I liked the big long slide it was so round. I learned my lines and I kept trying and I got it.

Emma C – I liked Mill Farm I liked the Jelly Bean and the train.

John – The school trip was good because we got to see the animals, there was a big massive pig and sheep and a bunny rabbit.

Maddie – I liked playing in the indoor play digging for the skeletons. We found a piece of the floor but no bones.

Poppy – I liked going on the train because it was nice and slow. In assembly I needed to learn lots of lines, I tried and tried again and I got it correct. When I was flying on with Lewis I spoke with a clear voice.

Aakruti – Going on the school trip, I loved going on the train because it was so fun. I sat with you and I even seen the horse. Then we went back to collect our bags. Learning our lines was tricky. I worked at it and I got it.

Jamie – I liked going on the school trip. I liked going on the train it was so fast. In assembly, I enjoyed speaking.

Science Club

There was lots of excitement in science club this week. The children discovered that there has been a theft; a locked treasure chest has been stolen from the science lab! The children are all now forensic investigators and have been very busy finding clues and collecting evidence.  Mrs Smith & Ms King are sure that the LVPS forensics team will soon solve the crime!

Sophia – We are solving a crime. We put on gloves and shoe covers, so we don’t leave foot marks or prints at the crime scene. We found clues, there was a note and chocolate that has a bite out, so maybe the person was hungry. There was a glass with a finger mark, and we also found a pen and a spider. The treasure chest and the key have been stolen. We looked at our finger prints and two of mine has stripes and swirly patterns on them. I like science club because we are solving a crime.






P1K Learning Reflection for W/E 25.05.18

This week P1K found a frog in the garden! 

Magic E

Caleb – learning the new ‘A’ sound the magic  ‘e’  turns the ‘a’ into A

Nathan – we have been learning about magic E when we put an ‘a’ and an ‘e’ at the end it turns the ‘a’ sound into A,  cape, ache and lake have the sound

Emma  – I liked learning about the oi sound coin has that sound


Andrew – the caterpillars have turned into chrysalis, they are turning into a butterfly

Jamie – the caterpillars have turned into a cocoon and they will turn into a butterfly

Maizy – the caterpillars have turned into a chrysalis inside they are turning into a butterfly

Rayyaan – the caterpillars are in a cocoon; they will hatch out and turn into butterflies

John – the caterpillars will turn into butterflies





A – we were learning symmetry, we made string pictures they are symmetrical when it’s not symmetrical it’s asymmetrical

Holly –asymmetrical means that it’s not the same on the sides, symmetrical means it’s the same. Two hands with the thumbs the same way is symmetrical,  a butterfly is symmetrical if it has the same dots on each wing.

Emma Ch – the symmetrical picture with the string, I couldn’t really figure it out because I made a print and it didn’t work, I thought it was easy and it was not.  The butterfly picture was symmetrical, it had a line of symmetry down the middle.

Sophia – symmetrical means it is the same on both sides a square has 4 lines of symmetry the butterfly has 1 line


Aakruti – The number 3 bean is growing and we need to put soil and a bean and water and sunlight. I will plant my beanstalk the same as number 3.

Poppy – plant 3 has grown already and the other ones have done nothing. Plants need soil, water and sun to grow.

Maddie – so number 1 didn’t grow and number 2 didn’t grow, but 3 has water, sun and soil and it grew.  We need to use soil, water and sun to grow our beanstalks.


P1K Learning Reflection W/E 18.05.18

Directional language



Sophia -Beebots go backwards, left and right and forwards. If you pressed clear it went the way you wanted if you didn’t it would go the way someone else did it.

Maddie – Beebot does forward, left and right and they go backwards. Our team pressed the clear button, nobody did the same I went to the same place that I wanted to go I was looking to see which way I was needing to go.

Emma – we did left and right turns and we were speaking to our group, it kind of went in a big circle and it went a different way when I forgot to press clear.

Maizy – The Beebots do left and right turns and they go where I want them to go by pressing the directions.

Fairy Den


Holly – We made fairy dens, I liked it because I found a feather for the fairies bed.

Emma – I liked making the castle I liked playing in it, we made it with bricks.

A – Our fairy den had a garden we had grass on it and some flowers it was a bit hard but we made a door with sticks and the sides were leaves.

Science Investigation


Poppy – we were trying to see the best way to grow a beanstalk.  Number 1 is in dark and number 2 had light but no water number 3 has light and water. I said I predict that number 3 is going to grow faster than number one and two because it has water and sun it will grow faster.

John – Two of the beanstalks don’t have water I think number 3 will grow because it has water and a bean

Rayyaan – We planted a beanstalk, pot 1 has no water and in the dark, pot 2 has sunlight and no water,  pot 3 has sunlight and water, pot 3 will grow it has things that plants need.

Nathan – We got a treasure chest form the friendly dragon about a beanstalk and Jack and the Beanstalk had a cow. He sold the cow for some beans she threw the beans out the window and the next morning there was a beanstalk there was a giant at the top.  The dragon wanted us to help Jack grow some bean stalks. We planted them and put pot 1 in the dark drawer, pot two has sun and light and no water, pot 3 has water, soil and sunlight.  I predict pot 3 will grow quickest and the best.

Caleb – We helped the friendly dragon and we planted the beanstalks pot 3 has sunlight and water, it will grow faster than pot 1 or pot 2.

Same sound different spelling


This week we have been focusing on same sound different spelling in particular oy/oi and ee/ea.

Jamie – we learned the new oi sound it has an o and an i , coin has that sound. We learned e and a for ea, tea has that sound.

Aakruit – The new ee sound is ea

P1K Learning Reflection for W/E 11.05.18

The Children received another visit from the Friendly Dragon, this time asking for the children to create “Mirror Mirror on the wall…” self-portraits. The children used mirrors to look at and study their facial features. I think you will agree they have created some true mirror likenesses!

Nathan – we made a castle we made them with paint and sponges

Aakruti – we made the blocks with paint and there were different patterns

Emma C – We are saving fairyland

Maizy – we squished the sponges onto the paper

Sophia – I covered the whole space then I did a

Nathan – I rubbed a toothbrush over the paper and it made a pattern of lines

Holly – I used gold first then on top of the paint I printed a dotty pattern

A – I covered the whole page so the white didn’t show up then I added details and patterns by printing

Jamie – you have to squish it down to get a print

Emma – We used black paper then added all our bricks to it. Nathan – We need to add a roof

Sophia – we need to add flags by cutting a bit of paper and then we have to make it wave

We also need a river!

Maizy – we need to make a roof!




P1K Learning Reflection for W/E 04.05.18

We have had a busy week in P1K. We wrote letters to the Friendly Dragon to let it know that we could help save the Enchanted Forest.  Then we received a treasure chest from the Friendly Dragon with clues to our first fairy-tale. Our focus in maths this week was measuring capacity; the children had lots of fun filling different containers with water, sand and stones. In RME we have been learning about how families prepare for and welcome a new baby. The children were very surprised when they came back from lunch and found a baby sleeping in the classroom!





John – we learned the sound oy it has o and y and it’s a special friend, toy, boy, joy and enjoy have oy

Caleb – I was reading ‘my dog Ned’ I was pointing and Rayyaan was reading then we switched over

Nathan – if you get stuck you sound out a word. We wrote to the dragon and we got a present from the Friendly Dragon. We got some birds, a poisoned apple and a mirror, they were clues it was Snow White

Maddie – We wrote a letter to the Dragon because we want to save fairyland. We have been reading the Snow White book and there was a poison apple and the queen gave it to Snow White, she went to sleep

Andrew – we learned oy and ou its spells ouch, mouse. The baby came into our class and we looked after it


Maizy – I liked learning about the baby, you need nappies, milk and give them good care

Emma C – we made cards for the baby to welcome it

Holly – we made special cards for the baby, we were learning about what babies need, they need a car seat, a high chair, food

Emma Ch – we have been talking about the baby and what it needs. It needs nappies, loads of care and to sleep by mum and dad

Sophia – A baby needs love. We have been measuring liquids the stones made the water go higher and higher. The stones are heavier that the water when me and Maddie put the stones in the water it blasted out


A  – we measured liquid and we needed  it at the top so its full,  I estimated 8 little jugs to fill the big jug and I was right it was 8

Aakruti  – we did half, full and empty in the sand we measure it, it was 19 scoops to fill up the tub

Jamie – when I put the stones in, the water went full because the stones pushed it up

Poppy – in big maths I had 9 + 1, 7 + 3, 5 + 5 they are all friends of ten, I did my Learnit before the timer finished

Rayyaan – in big maths I did doubles