All posts by Ms King

P1 & Ms King

Learning Reflection for W/E 05.10.18

This week P1 have been learning the sounds c, k, ck and tricky word said. In numeracy this week we have been learning about the number before a given number and the number after. We also explored pattern the children made shape patterns, colour patterns, number patterns and sound patterns. The children learned that patterns need to have a rule that repeats. The children have brought home their writing and handwriting jotters to share with parents. Please return these on Monday, Thank you


Lewis – c and k make the same sound

James – I like using the rekenrek we were counting the numbers

Charley – I liked doing the patterns it was really easy, my rule was circle, square.

Poppy – we were learning number patterns we counted in 100’s it kept going up by 100

Alister – cat has c

Solomia – we learned k it is a yellow sound.


Lewis – the stick house isn’t finished yet

Alister – when we built the houses the straw house blew down.

James – we need more sticks

Poppy – the stick house didn’t stick together so we are going to put more sticky things on it.

Charley – kicking k, I couldn’t do the kick bit but now it’s easy.

Learning Reflection for W/E 28.09.18

This week we learned the sounds g and o and tricky word, my.

Our number focus was 10 and we have been learning to use a rekenrek with a focus on anchoring 5 and 10. The children really enjoyed going to the Macmillan coffee morning, thank you to everyone who helped raise funds. Please see below for the children’s signs of autumn writing and school values posters, I think you will agree that they are fantastic!

Signs of Autumn


School Values




Nicholas – eating cake

Kaelan – looking for things outside we saw leaves, they were all different kinds of colours: pink, orange, red, yellow, brown it is autumn.

Subhan – finding sticks when we went for a walk

Austin – we had to draw a colourful picture about the school values. I drew aspiration; I want to be a penguin doctor.

Christian – doing singing I like singing Heroes

Hiba – eating my cake and tricky word my

Solomia – playing tig with Poppy

Sushanth – I enjoyed counting to make 10, double 5 makes 10.



Kaelan – getting ready for gym.

Subhan – learning g and o, I can write g and o.

Learning Reflection for W/E 21.09.18


P1 enjoying some ERIC time in class this week!

A short but busy week! Please see below for your children’s learning comments.

Lewis – This week the assembly was about fairness. It was not fair because we didn’t get to eat the chocolate!

James – I liked the dancing, we were waving.

Charley – We learned the p sound. It is a pink sound because it’s made with your lips and it is quiet.

Subhan – It’s a soft sound.

Poppy – I liked the indoor break, we watched Peppa Pig on the smart board.

Alister – I like when we say the numbers.

Sushanth – I enjoyed learning the p sound, we go down the pirates pleat and round his face.

Roshan – I enjoyed dancing.

Have a great weekend!

Ms King x


P1 & Ms King

Learning Reflection for W/E 14.9.18

This week we learned sounds ni and tricky word the.

Our number focus this week was counting and sorting with numbers 8 and 9.

Tree of Kindness

We read the story, Kindness is Cooler Mrs Ruler by Margery Cuyler. The class in the story persevered and managed to reach 100 acts of kindness.

P1 aspire to reach more…

101 acts of kindness!!! Take a look at our tree, it is starting to bear the fruits of our kindness…

Austin – I helped Daddy with his work

Alister – I lifted the rubbish out for Granny

James –  I helped Mummy clean the kitchen

Charley – I helped by showing Hiba the toilet

Subhan – helping my friend

Solomia – helped tidy the class

Nicholas – I helped Christian draw

Subhan – I helped Lewis build a tower

Lewis – Subhan is kind he helped me with the tower

Hiba – I helped Solomia feel better

Poppy – I helped James get the apron on

Roshan I helped Hiba draw

Learning Highlights of the Week 

Lewis – I liked writing, I feel loved when my mum hugs me.

James – my doggy was licking my face

Charley – we were learning smooth and tough. The floor is smooth and the table is smooth.

Hiba – I enjoyed playing on sumdog on the burger game

Sushanth – I win on the garbage game on sumdog

Austin – I like the haircut one on sumdog

Alister – I am the pupil of the week

Subhan – building the tower

Christian – making insects for i

Nicholas –  playing in the house


Subhan – counting all the numbers

Austin – being a silent ninja

Austin – I want the snake belt, if I play more games I will get more coins

Lewis – getting ready for PE

Alister – writing n

Learning Reflection for W/E 7.9.18

The children have been busy this week learning the sounds d and t.  We have also started to build some words using our learned sounds. The children have been using their listening skills to spot if they hear a sound first or last when saying a CVC word. For example with the word mat do you hear the t sound first or last? In numeracy we have been counting and sorting with 6 and 7 this week.  In PE the class enjoyed using juggling scarves and balance boards to practice skills such as balance and hand eye coordination.

Below are the children’s comments on their learning highlights and challenges this week.


L – learning d and t, I like learning them

J – singing songs

H – playing in the house corner

P – we found a candle and we were saying if it man made or natural

Al – You go down the tower and across the tower to make t

Au – science, well the hard stuff was wood and the soft stuff was playdoh

Su – we made a house for the pig we need more bricks or the wolf will come

Sub – building the house with bricks

Ch – getting lots of friends


L – getting ready for PE

Al – When we write the letter d

Au – in the gym hall when we did the balance and catching

N – it was kind of difficult listening to the ringing bell

Ch – writing the sounds d and t if you keep going and going you get better.

Meet the Teacher

Thank you for coming along, it was lovely to get the opportunity to introduce myself and give an overview of P1. Anyone who was not able to attend please see the window into learning and P1 information booklet which have been posted on the blog.

Ms King x


Help your child enjoy mathematics with Sumdog At school, we’re using an engaging mathematical program called Sumdog. It uses games to encourage students, and automatically adapts to your child’s needs. To help with our mathematics learning, we’d like you to encourage your child to play a little Sumdog each week. As they play, Sumdog asks questions that are tailored to their individual learning. You can use the Sumdog website on your computer, or download the iPad or Android app.

To celebrate Maths Week Scotland, Sumdog are running a special nationwide maths contest. Your child can log on at school and at home.  Start 7th of September end 13th of September.

I have set the children up will an account and your child will bring home their login details tomorrow.

Ms King x

P1 & Ms King

Learning Reflection for W/E 31.8.18

P1 have been very busy this week,  learning the sounds ‘a’ and ‘s’. We are very excited to be using the colourful consonants strategies to help us learn our sounds. You can find out more about this here:


It’s important we say the letter sound and not the letter name. To hear how we say the letter sound you can use the link posted up last week.

This week the children have been exploring the numbers 3 and 4. Most of us can sort and count to these numbers. The children have really enjoyed singing this counting song:

As you can see for the comments below the biggest challenge for the children this week was changing for PE. Please keep encouraging your children to dress independently at home!

Our learning highlights

L  –  I like games in PE

J – I liked singing songs

Cha –  I have enjoyed writing about nice things for the tree

P – I enjoyed the activities

Al – playing with lego

Sus – letter ‘a’ and ‘s’ my name has the ‘s’ sound

R – playing games with Lewis

H –  the sounds ‘a’ and ‘s’

Chr –  going in the gym hall

Au –  science, looking the teachers bag I got the candle and there was a little wood bit on the top.

Sub – being kind

K – playing in the house corner

N – playing lego


Our learning Challenges

L – the timer was close when I changed for PE

J – changing for PE

Cha – trying to change for PE

Al –  buttons are difficult

R –  looking for my shoe

H –  putting the shapes on the butterfly

Chr –  sing

Au – putting my clothes on for PE

P1K Learning Reflection for W/E 24.8.18

The children in P1K have settled in well. Most can walk into school independently and are beginning to organise their belongings. I am so impressed, as many of the children have taken this in their stride and can manage things like: hanging up their coat, changing shoes, putting their water bottle away, snack in tray and bag in bag box, and even order a lunch, phew! We learned our first sound this week which was m and tricky word I. We also explored number 5 by counting, sorting, building and printing. The children enjoyed some play time in the garden. During PE they did Yoga and played toilet tig and disappearing dots. Please see below for the children’s learning highlights and challenges:


K – my favourite part is playing in the sand

J – my favourite part was making ladybirds on the leaf, I made 5

Ch – I have enjoyed playing outside, I like playing out with Poppy, Lewis and Solomia

L – building a car

Su – playing lego

Au – playing in the kitchen

Al – running about outside

So – I like playground tig

H – playing with the building blocks

Chr – painting

P – learning the m sound

N– playing the dinosaurs

Sus – building a car


K – It was difficult to cut with scissors

J – to put the things on the back with the apron

Ch – sitting down and missing my baby sister

L -opening my packet at snack time

Au – trying to cut out the mouse shapes

H – gluing the circles