All posts by Mrs Fraser

P2 This Week

P2 have been learning to tell the time with o’clock and 1/2 past. They have worked on balancing simple equations using cubes and pan balances to help them. Mrs Aitken came to visit on Wednesday to help up learn sounds using Vowel House, which was lots of fun. We wrote Friendship Recipes and welcomed Quiet Critters into our classroom. We want them to stay so we are going to work very hard to create a quiet classroom. As it was Chinese New Year this week, we created beautiful Ming vases using paint and pastel. We also had fun watching Aiden’s dad repair the pagoda- thank you!

Well done to Pola for being last week’s star of the week and John who had the privileges this week!

P2’s Week

Happy New Year to everyone. P2 have settled back into school. We have been learning about the geography of Scotland and where we are in relation to the rest of the UK.

We have also been learning about how to be resilient when things are toughter for us. We have been sharing our favourite books with the class. In maths, we have learned about capacity, investigating how much water different containers can hold.

Well done to Aakruti for being our class pupil of the week for writing!

P2 This Week

We loved performing our nativity this week. We have also enjoyed writing about Christmas and ordering Christmas words alphabetically. We finished working on our Moon pictures in Science. In P.E., we have been following instructions to learn dances for our Christmas party which is on Wednesday 19th December.

P2 This Week

We have been busy learning the order of the alphabet this week- we sorted out jumbled up letters and sang and danced to the alphabet song. 

We have been learning to weigh in our Christmas Parcel Office, where we sorted parcels into heavy and light sacks.

We have been working hard on our Nativity and are looking forward to performing it next week ( please have all costumes in on Monday for the dress rehearsal).

In science, we learned about the Moon and created pictures from pastels. We then added facts about the moon that we had learned.

P2 This Week

P2 have had a busy week. In Literacy we have been learning to spell words with the ‘ur’ sound. We have been working on writing capital letters E and F as well as alphabetical order activities. As part of book week the children enjoyed sharing their favourite books from home. We also decorated our classroom door in the style of a book cover taken from the novel we are reading at the moment, ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson.

In maths we have continued our work on subtraction recording our answers on a number line. We have been measuring objects that are shorter or longer than 1 metre.

The children also had lots of fun making their hot chocolate reindeers for our Christmas Fair.

Primary 2 this week

We had great fun learning outdoors this week! We went a walk through the village with Miss Whigham and stopped to look at the war memorial at the church. With Mrs Fraser, we went on a nature walk and collected as many different autumn colours as possible.

We continued learning about subtraction and longer and shorter in maths. In P.E. we were developing our ball skills ready to learn handball. In science we learned about Day and Night and how the Earth revolves around the Sun. We have started having spelling tests on a Friday- these will focus on our words for the week. Thank you to everyone who handed their homework in on Thursday. Have a lovely weekend:)


P2 This week

P2 worked really well to produce their assembly about kindness.

They worked on subtraction within 20 and enjoyed measuring and ordering skeletons from shortest to tallest. We started learning about adjectives and continued our learning about magic e  with a focus on u-e words. We played punctuation game on the smartboard, focussing on full stops and capital letters. We read Autumn stories.

P2 This Week

In Number Talks the children have been using their knowledge of doubles to solve addition problems. They went outdoors to start our learning about measure. In phonics they have continued their learning about magic ‘e’ words with a focus on the u-e sound. The children enjoyed sharing their news about their October holidays in Circle Time. In PE we played ball games. We have started practicing our parts for the class assembly on Friday 2nd November at 9:15. Come and join us if you can.