All posts by Ms Taylor

This week in P5….

This week we have Ava, Noel and Poppy doing our school blog…

We have enjoyed Choir Practice; preparing for Cluster Choir and Christmas Tree Light switch on.

Poppy  – I really like the Rumble workshop showcase and how we have learned all the different African rhythms and songs. This week the class have gotten better at doing the Dashing White Sergeant dance. The phone call with the Scientist was great as I got to ask him a question ” What is the most dangerous part of Antartica?”

Ava – I really thought our writing task was exciting and mysterious as we had the re-write The Tale of the 3 Brothers.

Noel – I enjoyed doing the Number talks tasks this week. Also enjoyed Noggle too.


Thank you Poppy, Ava and Noel!


Have a lovely weekend


Mrs T 🙂

This week in P5…

Oliver is going to be our Class Blogger for today….

The class got to do some Spanish with Miss Greig, it was fun and the class liked the games. In Maths we have been learning chimney sums doing adding and subtracting with 3 digit numbers. We have also done a Maths Challenge sheet from Rigour maths. Primary 5 have been doing their class eader and also started reading Spiderwick Chronicles and discussing characters and what the features are of an Imaginary story. In PE we have been working on our Badminton skills and Mrs Taylor also let us have a game of Dodgeball using the proper rules. Primary 5 have also been trying to win Line awards and managed to get 4 this week which was 1 more than last week so we are getting better. In Science we were doing CSI investigation and looking at fingerprints.

Thank you Oliver!


This week in Primary 5

The children have had an action packed week with outdoor learning, badminton, Remembrance writing, learning how to present information on graphs, Judo instruction, a walk to visit our local church, drumming workshop, choir practice, finishing with a wonderful assembly led by Mr Balaj from Livingston Village Kirk.

Primary 5 spent some time on Tuesday making Leaf Identification dials then we ventured outside to try them out, gathering lots of data about the leafs we found. The children loved the time outside investigating and comparing leaf patterns, sizes and shapes. We then sorted our data and used it to create bar charts to demonstrate the different types of leafs found.

This week we have also visited Livingston Village Kirk to see the beautiful Poppy Memorial created by the members of our community. It really is a fitting way to remember those who gave their lives, so we could live ours. Our visit inspired some writing to say ‘thankyou’ to the many people ( and animals) who were so brave.

Yesterday we were delighted to welcome Scott from Jidel Judo for some Judo instruction. Scott is a Team GB competitor, so it was amazing for the children to learn from someone who had competed at such a high level! The children listened and followed instructions, and Scott was very complimentary of their enthusiasm to learn.

Finally today we ended our week with a lovely Assembly led by Mr Balaj. He talked about why it is important to remember important events in our lives, but that it is also important to remember and be thankful for the life that we live now, thanks to the sacrifices of others.

Next Friday is our Class Assembly, the children are hoping you will be SPELLBOUND by it…


Mrs Taylor




I have spent a lovely few days with my P5’s at Lowport. It really is a privilege to get the opportunity to spend time with the children at camp and see them in a different environment.

On their return we have been writing some personal reflections on our camp experiences and designing our Christmas Cards for Parent Council, so another very busy week.

Mrs Taylor x

Friday 28.9.18

Primary 5 have been very busy this week solving maths problems and confidently explaining to their Talk Partners about different strategies, celebrating European Day of Languages, playing handball in preparation for our Festival 9th October, learning more about Mary Queen of Scots, sharing our Home Learning and getting prepared for Lowport camp next week!

The highlight of the week appeared to be the food tasting session on Wednesday with all the children trying a European food that they had not eaten before! They thoroughly enjoyed it with Ben and Noel declaring it a ‘feast’!

I have also loved hearing all about their Home Learning today too. Ethan created a fantastic broom that resembled a Nimbus 2000, a fantastic example of family learning as he explained his dad helped him. Great Job!!!  I loved hearing about family walks, family meals out, movie nights and Lily loved telling us about going to see her Auntie perform a signing session for her new book.

Without question the big excitement this week has been talking about School Camp. The children are very excited about all the activities that they are going to take part in, as well as lots of questions about ‘Disco Clothes’….see you all on Monday bright eyed and bushy tailed for 3 days of fun, exploration and memories.

Have a lovely weekend…

Mrs Taylor


The news from P5…

This week saw P5 take part in some interesting Maths challenges to celebrate Maths week. This included using Blether Stations to help with Problem Solving, A Murder Mystery Challenge and some SumDog as well. Some great communication and explaining of strategies from the children!

Class readers were handed out this week and the children were very excited to start their reading, using E.R.I.C time to catch up with their new novels.

The new Homework was issued on Monday too. Lots of different activities for the children to do and feedback to the class on 28th September.

We have also been discussing what makes a good learner and how the class can become better learners, including strategies that they can use in class. Today we changed our classroom around and have started to use Talk Partners to help the children share their learning with a focused partner each week. Partners and seats will change weekly which creates a more positive learning environment and helps P5 become the best TEAM that they can be!

Primary 5 have also continued with Handball this week and will have a Festival on Tuesday 9th October at Inveralmond CHS with other classes within our cluster. Please pop the date in your diary and I will ensure permission forms and EE2’s are sent out next week.

Final reminder that all forms need to be returned for Lowport as soon as possible so please check their bags, just incase!

Have a lovely weekend…hopefully the sun may shine!

Mrs Taylor


What another busy week in Primary 5!

This week has been action packed as we continued to read Harry Potter and become The Daily Prophet Reporters, investigating the mysterious break-in at Gringotts! Wow we have some great roving reporters in primary 5…

The children also have been working on their Diagon Alley maps to help Harry find his way around the busiest shopping area in the whole of the Wizarding World! The children also created some shops of their own giving descriptions of what goods would be sold there. The imagination in this class is fantastic.

In Maths we have revisited Place Value using lots of different strategies as well as keeping up with timetables revision.

Great work in PE, using their skills in pass-move-communicate-catch to help in their small sided game play.

And finally, we have been discussing what it means to be part of a TEAM! The children could explain the benefits of helping and supporting each other. They loved the video of the ants moving cheerios using TeamWork! We then had a singalong to ‘We’re All in This Together’ and the new House Captains and Vice Captains joined us….great way to end the week!

Have a great weekend….

Mrs T x

This week in Primary 5…

Another busy week for P5 as we continue to read Harry Potter. We have been writing about our own wizards, using great descriptive words to bring their character to life. The children have also been finding out about the life of JK Rowling and how she got the ideas for Harry and his friends. We have designed wands for our Class Charter display and discussed our rights and responsibilities; also revisited Little Red Riding Hood to find out if the wolf was really as bad as he was reported to be…

Yesterday we carried out our Pupil Council Class Election. The children displayed some great inspirational writing and confidently delivered their speeches! I was very proud of every single child who stepped out of their comfort zone and applied for the Pupil Council posts. The whole class voted and Michael and Lily-Rose will represent P5 for this year. Congratulations to them both.

We have finished off our week with a Lego Challenge of having to create a 3D wizard using Lego, with only 15 mins to collaborate, share resources and support each other. The Wizards were awesome.

Great job this week P5…see you all on Monday.

Mrs T


Eshal – I loved writing to Harry Potter and creating my Wizard.

Daniel – I have enjoyed havng no homework this week and reading Harry Potter!

Owen – Incredible PE learning handball

Lily -Rose – I have loved handball and finding out I was the Pupil Council representative.


Welcome to P5!

What a fantastic week we have had! I am so excited to be spending the year with such a lovely bunch of talented children…


Ava – I loved playing HooplaShowdown in PE it was a great challenge!

Georgie – I liked meeting Mrs T because it’s so much fun in P5.

Amaya- The Lego challenge was great fun!

Daniel – I enjoyed Mrs Taylor reading to us and ERIC time.

Conlan – Getting to know Mrs Taylor better.

Eshal – creating our Cuisenaire Rod patterns!

It sounds as if we have a very creative and enjoyable first week and I can’t wait to see P5 again on Monday!

Mrs Taylor x

We have entered into June…

This week P5 have began learning their lines, working on their drama skills and creating a fantastic quiz in preparation for their assembly next Friday!

They have enjoyed thinking about how to best engage their audience next week so as to deliver their Internet Safety message effectively…what amazing ideas they have developed.

We have also been out exploring the garden and found a very speedy little caterpillar, which was a great link to P1’s assembly all about life cycles.

Finally, the children were delighted to receive this months Line Award and now proudly have the trophy on show in the classroom. Great job guys!!!

Have a great weekend…

Mrs Taylor