All posts by Mrs Sansom

Fantastic Footballers!

Congratulations to Toby, Liam, Sonny and David who had their places at the Inveralmond Academy of Football confirmed today.

The boys were selected after 2 rounds of football trials and an informal interview. The course is not just about improving football skills, it is about developing the whole footballer so sportsmanship and friendship are key attributes. The boys also have to show that they can maintain high standards of work across all other subjects in order to remain on the course.

Really well done boys!

Outdoor Maths

P7 were very fortunate with the weather this morning while they went outside to measure the length and height of a variety of things, using a selection of different measuring tools. Before they started with the actual measuring they had to estimate the length – very interesting! However, with a bit of discussion and comparison, estimates did become less random and more realistic.

Miss Lenathen, Rugby and Basketball

P7 and Miss Lenathen, a PGDE student from Edinburgh University, have been getting to know each other this week. Miss Lenathen is working closely with myself to plan and teach a variety of lessons over the next 5 weeks.

Sport has featured widely this week. The class have been doing athletics with Mr Stewart in PE, with pupils aiming to qualify for a competition. Gavin, the development coach from Livingston RFC, held another successful training session on the field. Several of the ICHS cluster schools attended a rugby festival on Friday morning where the pupils got to show off their skills and had lots of fun doing so. Photos to follow, hopefully tomorrow.

What can I say about the basketball teams except “You are all amazing!” Very well done on your achievements. Thank you to Mrs Taylor and Abby.

Aside from the sporting events, P7 have begun learning about Pilgrimages in RME, renewable and non-renewable energy sources in Science and coordinates across 4 quadrants in maths. In Literacy we have been looking at non-fiction books.

Don’t forget our assembly is on 11th May at 9:15am.

P7 will visit The Risk Factory on Thursday 10th May.

Make the Most of Your Snow Day

I hope you are not all too cold and are managing to have some fun in the snow.

When you are back inside, don’t rush to your X-box or whatever gadget too quickly – think about your poor show script sitting all curled up and forgotten at the bottom of your schoolbag.

Why not get it out and have a go at learning some more of your lines?

Show day is coming up fast and we need to be off script by this time next week.

Exciting Week for P7

What a week this has been for P7. The current West Lothian Sportshall champions went to the Jack Kane Sports Centre on Wednesday to participate in the East of Scotland Finals. The competition was fast and furious and we came eighth on the day. We are very proud of the effort and sportsmanship our team put in. Well done everyone and thank you to Mr Stewart and Active Schools Coordinator Stewart Livingston for organising this great opportunity for our school, and to Abby Cowan for her help and support.

Today, 15 of our pupils took part in a netball tournament at Parkhead Primary School. Both teams had a great time and won lots of matches. We are excitedly waiting on the overall results.

In science this week, pupils were investigating reflections using mirrors. This was a great, fun activity where pupils had to try out getting different results by bending the mirrors or moving them around. They also tried looking at the alphabet, trying to find letters and then a word that could be shown complete by reflecting half of it. Photos below…


What P7 Are Learning This Week

P7 are continuing to learn about fractions, decimals and percentages and the connection between them. This week we were revising how 1/10 can be shown as a decimal. We have also been investigating properties of fractions to see if we can come up with a ‘magic fraction’. Take a fraction and simplify it. Then reverse the digits of the numerator and the denominator and simplify the new fraction. It is a ‘magic fraction’ if both simplify to the same fraction.

We have also been having discussions about what is good or bad about being online. Pupils have been completing activities designed to see things from another person’s point of view. Sometimes online messages don’t come across the way we intend and many disagreements follow from that, so it can be useful to think about what the other person meant before jumping to conclusions.

Some photos from Golden Time today…