All posts by A Love

P3 Weekly learning w.c. 27.04.2020

Good morning Primary 3,

Bonjour ma classe.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Here is the learning grid for this week. Could you please read the letter from me on the grid. Thank you.

P3 Home learning – Summer term Week 2

For our maths today we will be looking at the equivalence of one half and two quarters. Here is the link to the worksheet and the answer sheet:


Y2-Spring-Block-4-ANS10-Equivalence-of-half-and-two-quarters-2019 – Answers.

Also as an extra maths activity today if you have time, RBS money sense are doing an online lesson on Facebook at 11:30 – 12, all about money – notes and coins. The link is:

It would be great to do, to revise recognition of money for Primary 3. I have also found a good tip for this is to have a price list for snacks for your child to use daily, using real coins to pay for them. I have been doing this with my own child and it has really helped with his coin recognition.

Please find links to activities below:

pdf – Neil Armstrong comprehension link.


Other activities:

Those who made a paper aeroplane last week, or would like to make one this week. I have a page for you to complete with your findings:


Here is also some isolation outdoor activites:

10 nature activities self isolation (1)

Stay safe and I look forward to seeing what you have all been up to.

Mrs Love

P3 Maths for Thursday 23/4/20

Good morning everyone,

Here is the Maths questions for today:


Just a note to say, as we do not know when the children will be back, if you could check the answers your child has given to these against the answers page on this link, it would be very much appreciated:

You will also find the answers sheet from the rest of this weeks Maths sheets there too.

Thank you again for your fantastic support during these difficult times, you are all wonderful!

Missing the children lots, give them all a hug from me.

Mrs Love

Welcome back Primary 3!

Bonjour ma classe!

Welcome back to home learning in Primary 3, I hope you all had a fantastic holiday. I am missing you all and look forward to the day we can all get back to school so I can see you.

Here is the home learning grid for this week:

P3 Home learning – Summer term Week 1

This is the Maths I would like you to do today. I will post a different activity each day:


I also have a lovely colouring in sheet from the British Red Cross that I thought could be a really nice addition to window displays if people have been doing the rainbows etc. in their windows? If not, it is just a nice calming activity to do!:


There are lots of extra activities to work through in your home learning packs to take at your own pace alongside the activities I post on this blog.

Enjoy your first day back of learning. I hope you are all doing well and I am thinking of you all.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Love

Easter fun!

Good morning everyone,

As we approach the end of Term 3 and the Easter holidays, I just want to say thank you very much for your help in supporting your child’s learning at home. I hope you have all found the home learning packs helpful.

I have also been posting up ideas on my twitter page, if you have not been over to it yet, here is the link:

Here is a little Easter song for the children to do if they would like to, and a little activity sheet to do as well.

SongActivity-SPRING-CHICKEN from

I hope you have a fantastic Easter break. Enjoy your time together, make memories and do lots of fun activities.

Happy Easter!

Mrs Love

P3 Easter activities.

As we approach the Easter holidays, however strange these times are, I would like to suggest Easter activities to do at home to keep the children busy. These all depend on what resources you have available at home, however, here are some ideas.

The children loved making bat bookmarks at Halloween!


P3 – Online Maths and Literacy games.

Good morning P3.

I thought I would write a post giving some links to websites that we use in class and some new ones we have not used as a class yet, that will help support your child’s learning at home. Most are tablet friendly as well as computer friendly.


Literacy: – Books read by celebrities.

We tend to use online games as a end activity of a lesson. I do not want to encourage too much screen time, these are only a suggestion to support home learning. If you are using online resources, including sumdog, set time limits so that the pupils are encouraged to do written and outdoor activities also.


Mrs Love

P3 White Rose resources.

Primary 3 parents,
Here is a link to the fantastic numeracy and maths resources that we use in school, white rose maths.
This link is for Primary 3 stage and includes home learning video’s and activities to support maths at home:
Mrs Love