Welcome to P6!

It has been a great week back after the holidays. Everyone seems to have settled in very quickly to new routines. It sounds like everyone had a fabulous break.

It’s great that so many pupils have volunteered and are already thriving through new responsibilities.

Here are some of the comments and reflections from P6 this week:

Elena – It was so good to be back with all my friends.

Maddie – I liked PE. It was fun to run around during the games.

Sophie – I am happy to see all my friends again. I liked PE and the games we played.

Mathew – My favourite thing was when Calum taught us a new game in PE called Sharks, Starfish and Guppies.

Sophia – I enjoyed Science when we were learning all about the Sun.

Holly – I enjoyed getting back to doing Free Writing. It was really cool listening to other people’s stories.

Cali – I liked maths because I could remember from P5 and I liked Number of the Day. It was good helping with the lunches too.

Arya – I liked the problem solving where we had to use clues to work out a mystery number. You had to just give it a go and try out different numbers. You had to make sure your number fitted all the clues.

Maizy – PE was fun. The games were good.

James – It was nice to be back and see all my friends. I enjoyed Calum’s game he taught us in PE.

Nathan – I enjoyed helping in the lunch hall and giving out the packed lunches.

Rayyaan – It was good getting to be a helper in the lunch hall.

Caleb – I was lucky because my wee cousin in P1 took a long time to eat his lunch so he was still there when I came in to get my lunch and I got to sit beside him.

Primary 5 Learning Reflections – 19.08.22

Primary 5 have had a great first week!

In drama we created a show about an alien called Bicho in the garden.  Bicho was flying his UFO.  We used the mushroom toy and part of the Connect 4 game as props. The Lorry driver crashed into Bicho.  We all had jobs or roles as part of the activity.  We were in groups and then we shared our performances at the end using the outdoor stage.

We learned lots of new things in maths this week. We used stones and other objects outside to compare different masses.  We played Multiplication Bingo to help us to remember our times tables.  We learned how to measure and calculate area.  We used place value counters to help us explore numbers up to 1000 and played a game with dice to see who could make the largest 3-digit number.

We worked together to create our new Class Charter.  Everybody had different ideas about what the theme should be so we held a class vote.  The winning theme was Disney so we all drew our favourite Disney characters to represent each of us on the charter.