A good start to the new term for P5

Safia – I liked going to the library and borrowing a book.

Anya – I liked doing decimals because I feel like it was something new.

Mathew – I liked the rugby. I was really looking forward to it and I did enjoy it. I liked learning about decimals too.

Rayyaan – I liked that the toys could come out at playtime again. I am quite proud because the school got a Silver Rights Award.

Sophia – I liked how we did the tournament in teams in basketball. My team were good together.

Arya – I liked the new lunches. There are some different things.

Pola – I liked getting the toys outside again. My favourite is the skipping rope.

Holly – I liked doing decimals in maths because I feel like I am improving.

Poppy – I liked doing the healthy menu because I got to add my favourite healthy foods.

Jan – I enjoyed the rugby. I always thought rugby was really rough but this wasn’t rough at all.


Caleb – I liked learning about time with Mr Keast because it is a really useful thing to learn.