Happy Easter P3!

Fantastic week this week P3. We continued learning about fractions in our Numeracy. In literacy, we are in the final stages of our recount writing. We learned a lot about Maundy Thursday and Easter in RME and lots of facts about Tutankhamun for IDL.

To top it all off, P3 loved taking part in an Easter Digi Day with the support and help of the LVPS Digital Champions. Thank you leaders!

Here is some more information about Easter Digi Day:






Happy Easter when it comes!

Mrs Love

P2-1 Weekly Reflection 01.04.22

Today marks the end of another busy term and we had great fun participating in our 2nd Digi Day. Thanks to our Digi Champs for planning such fun activities and to our P7 leaders for supporting us in our play. We have been playing Sumdog on the iPads and laptops, feeding Easter eggs to the teddy in the game Teddy Numbers on the Smartboard and tried to build a tower to hold an egg. We also had a visit from some P5s who had been busy building a vehicle and let us try it out!













This week we have been learning about Needs and Wants and considering Children’s Rights. We know that we need clean air, water, clothing, shelter and medicine to survive so these are the things we need. We discussed the things we would like to make life more comfortable and some of us wanted tvs, phones and computers. I wonder how many of us could live without these if we had to?

Our P7 leaders came to talk about Sustainability Goals and in particular Zero Hunger, they gave us a super presentation. We discussed that some people do not have much food and that we should be grateful for what we have to eat and not waste food. We talked about how some people do not have much food and need to use Foodbanks, we can help by giving donations to the Foodbank if we are able to.

In Literacy, we continued with revising set 2 and set 3 sounds and the P2s were practising words with consonant blends. In Numeracy, we have continued to practise our number bonds to 20 and we have begun to explore measure using a ruler.

In RME we were learning about why we celebrate Easter.  Theo reminded us that “Easter is a celebration of Jesus’ sacrifice” and Ethan told us that people celebrate by having egg hunts. Cooper reminded us that “the egg is for the stone that was rolled away”.

Our Almondell House winners enjoyed a lovely egg hunt in the school garden and also enjoyed some Easter crafts in the gym hall.

Miss Whigham and I would like to wish all our children and families a very happy and safe Easter and we look forward to seeing the children back on Tuesday 19th April.


P1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 1st April 2022

Good afternoon. P1 have been very busy this week. In Literacy we learned the ur and er sounds and red word what. We wrote words, created a spelling flower, played roll and read and snakes and ladders. In writing we worked in pairs to create an acrostic poem all about Easter.

In Numeracy we have been counting in 2s. We have enjoyed singing and dancing along to Jack Hartmann’s song. Click on the link below to listen

We have also been learning about subtraction and different strategies to help us. We have been using Numicon, rekenreks, counters and ten frames and our number lines.

This week we have been exploring all things Easter. We created Easter chick cards, line patterned bunnies, sequenced the Easter story and created patterned Easter eggs in the tuff spot. On Thursday afternoon we made chocolate nests. We had to melt the chocolate which started as a solid, then mix in rice crispies and lastly scoop them into our case. We then got to add some eggs. On Friday we thoroughly enjoyed our Easter themed digi day. We worked together to create towers which we could balance eggs on, made a car which could transport eggs, fed teddy the right number of Easter eggs and tried to make something Easter related on Scratch junior. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I enjoyed building with the gears to make a tower to balance some eggs.” Emily

“I liked subtracting with the number lines.” Angus

“I liked building a transporter for the Easter eggs.” Aaron

“We enjoyed all our jobs this week.” David and Leo

“I enjoyed digi day.” Lyla

“I enjoyed playing with the robot that followed your pen lines.” Ayaat

“I liked spelling Easter with Beebot.” Ishanvi

Have a lovely Easter Holidays

Miss Maclachlan