Reflection of P5 So Far…

P5 have had an amazing start to the year. They have been working hard on all sorts of things. Here are the highlights for everyone so far. Well done!

Nathan – I have like CLIC maths because it set for the level you are good at.

Maizy – I like doing indoor PE because I didn’t like going outside on cold days.

Arya – I like doing Partitioning in maths because I like separating numbers.

Calum – I am enjoying working on the 20th birthday project.

Emma – I like doing maths on the whiteboards.

Holly – I enjoy doing the imaginative writing because I like writing that kind of story.

Rayyaan – I like free writing because you can write about anything.

Safia – I like ERIC time. I am reading Oor Wullie just now.

Poppy – I like reading Christophe’s Story because it is interesting seeing what happened in Rwanda.

Aakruti – I like doing place value  because I like knowing how the numbers are made up.

Caleb – I like doing handwriting with Mrs Fraser because we are learning how to do joined up writing.

Anya – I like maths because it levels up my brain.

Maddie – I enjoy free writing because I like to write a lot. I write a lot of stories at home.

Sophia – I like doing science with Mr Keast because I am enjoying learning about all the famous scientists.

Pola – I like doing PE because it is fun and keeps us fit.

Alanice – I like doing PE because I enjoy it and it gets my heart rate up.

Aiden – I find dividing hard so I still need to do lots more practise.

John –  I enjoyed doing rounding in maths because it helps you estimate your answers.

Amelia – I enjoyed colouring the stars for the welcome to P5 display.

Mathew – I enjoyed PE and I like handball and I am looking forward to learn more about it.

Elena – I have enjoyed working with Mrs Fraser because I like doing spelling.

James – I like doing handball. I like doing the dribbling skils.

Lewis – I like learning about coin multiplication because it helps you multiply big numbers.

Zach – I liked PE because I like learning new skills like for handball.

Ruiyang – I like writing and I like the story I wrote about Star Wars.

Jaxon – I like doing free writing Friday and I am working on illustrating my story. I am writing a chapter book.