P2/1 Learning Reflection Week Ending 30th April 2021

Good Afternoon. In Literacy, P1 have been reading our books and answering the questions about our books. We have explored the ‘ar’ and ‘or’ sounds through word searches, word building, sorting ar words into a piggy bank and playing roll and read. P2 have been exploring plurals. We have learned that you can change a singular noun into a plural by adding a s. We wrote plurals in rainbow writing, looked for them in a word search and cracked a spelling code. We looked at the strategy of understanding the meaning of words to help us with our comprehension when reading. In writing we read describing sentences from which we then drew monsters. We are going to be focusing on the genre of description this term.

In Numeracy P1 have been exploring odd and even numbers. We have learned that even numbers always have a friend and with odd numbers there is always one left out. Even numbers are numbers that end in a 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8. Odd numbers end in 1, 3,5,7,9. We have completed worksheets and played games. P2 have been exploring fractions. We have explored making, colouring and finding halves of shapes and numbers. We discovered that halving is the opposite of doubling. We have completed worksheets and games.

For outdoor learning on Tuesday we explored the seasons. We then looked for signs of spring and played corners. In Science with Miss Whigham we were learning about what plants need to grow. Plants need water, light, heat and soil. Today we had an assembly.  The assembly was about the value of respect.

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I have enjoyed returning to gymnastics after school. I enjoyed the reading comprehension about Tex Rex.”

“I enjoyed exploring halving this week.”

“I enjoyed learning about spring during outdoor learning.”

“I liked learning about what plants need in science.”

“I was looking for signs of spring in the woods.”

“I enjoyed our fitness routines during P.E.”

“I liked P.E and our exercising. I am enjoying my football after school.”

“I loved science.”

“I have enjoyed reading this week.”