Welcome back Primary 5!

I am so excited to be your teacher again in Primary 5 and I can’t wait to hear how you all are. Please don’t worry about all the changes you might have heard about because we will learn them all together. Until we get our class library organised, please bring a book to read when you come to school.
Here are some activities for you to do at home on Wednesday. You should bring these to school when you come on Thursday.
Please do your assignments whatever way suits you best. If you are able to print the documents, that’s fine, if not you can just write your answers on any sheet of paper.
  1. Complete the My Top Five Worries sheet – please note there are 2 activities to complete which are on pages 2 and 3 of the document.
  2. Do the Sumdog 6,7 and 9 times challenge – it will beĀ available on Wednesday from 8:45am until 8pm.
  3. Create a colourful rainbow picture to help decorate the class. It should be A4 in size and your design can be made out of whatever you want to use.
  4. If you haven’t already done so, please complete the 2 Lies and a Truth sheet – some of you might have already done this after you got the meet the teacher letter back at the end of term. I have also attached my statements in case you can’t find them. You can have a think about what my answers will be.

My Top Five Worries about Returning to School Worksheet

Two Lies and a Truth

Mrs Sansom 2 Lies and a Truth