P2 Home Learning Reflection for W/E 24.02.04

Usually I have the children here with me to comment on what we have enjoyed learning during the week. As this is not possible I am going to use the learning comments and pics which have been emailed to me. Thank you to everyone who has emailed me their child’s learning this week. It is great to see that you are keeping busy with some home learning. So here goes with our first lockdown learning reflection…

Marine Biologist Job Application

I have received several applications for the Marine Biologist job. Don’t worry if you have not submitted your application yet, you have until Friday 1st May to email it to me. There have been some very good replies to the questions and great suggestions about which sea creatures to study, please see  below:

Why do you want to learn about the sea?

I really like dolphins and turtles and I really like to swim in the sea. I try to look after the sea by not putting plastic products in it. I don’t drop litter and I use a reusable water bottle. I also like to take care of animals in the sea like turtles.

All different types of sea animals and what the animals eat.

There are lots of interesting sea creatures and colourful fish I would like to learn about.

What sea creatures would you like to study?

There have been some good suggestions about which sea creatures to study. So far there is interest in turtles, dolphins, sting rays, eels and starfish!

What do you already know about that animal?

They are endangered and they are good swimmers.

Stingrays are flat with long tails some can sting you. Blue nose dolphins are the most popular in the sea. Eels are like worms but much bigger. Starfish are shaped like a star, on top they are rough and the bottom is smooth.














In  numeracy this week P2 have been busy making doubles, making equal groups and finding a half.  It is great to hear how children are making links with their learning. Here are some learning comments from one mummy:  used his new found knowledge of fractions to work out the correct spacing for new monkey bars we built in the garden…He also really enjoyed applying his new knowledge of fractions when cutting sandwiches for lunch. 
















P2 have been identifying minibeasts and finding out about their different habitats.






















Thank you for sharing your learning. Next weeks learning will be posted on the P2 blog on Monday.  Stay safe and have a lovely weekend!

Ms King x