Scots week with Primary 3.

This week the Children were focusing on Scottish culture for the second week. We had been learning poems at home and three pupils were put to the final and Calum won today for P3. Congratulations Calum! I also want to give the children a big well done for singing the ‘Welly boot song’ in assembly today. You did a fantastic job and sang along so well. I am very proud of you.

In Literacy we looked at the verbs, nouns and adjectives in our procedural writing ‘How to make shortbread’ and then followed the recipe to make the shortbread in the afternoon on Tuesday.

In Maths we revised our 2 and 4 times tables and the strategies to support them.

In P.E. we performed our partnered mirroring of gymnastic shapes and jumps and teddy bear rolls. We had the privilege of attending the sports festival at Xcite Craigswood. The children had a taster of 7 dfferent clubs. Those seven were – Judo (Destination and Jidel 93), Tennis, Athletics, Basketball, Football and Rugby. They had a fantastic time on their outing.

They have also started to create some Scottish art which, once complete, I will photograph and show you.

Here’s what the pupils said about this week…

A – I enjoyed singing the chorus of the welly boot song.

N – I enjoyed the bagpipes at the assembly.

Z – I enjoyed the Sports festival at Craigswood.

A – I enjoyed listening to Mrs Love reading the class novel ‘Gangsta Granny’.

H – I enjoyed using the pastels in our Scottish art.

P – I enjoyed drawing the groups in times tables in Maths.

R – I enjoyed making the shortbread following our recipe writing.

A – I enjoyed eating the shortbread!

M – I enjoyed doing the teddy bear roll in gymnastics.

Mrs Love