Another week over already. In Literacy P1 have learned the sounds ‘ng’ and ‘nk’ and the tricky word your. We practised our letter formation, taught ted and wrote words with ng and nk sounds and played roll and read. P2 learned the ‘ear’ and ‘ure’ sounds. They searched for these words in a story, played roll and read, made a poster of ‘ure’ words and made words on the magnetic boards. In Maths this week we have continued to explore information handling. We have explored tally charts, pictograms and block graphs for favourite colours, pets etc. In Science we have been learning about the moon. In P.E we played a game of prisoner dodgeball and started practising our dance for our Christmas party. We had our Star of the Week circle time. Hiba is our star of the week. Practise for our nativity is continuing and it is coming along great. On Thursday we had a special assembly with a visit from Michael Kear. He is partially sighted and a skier. On Friday it was Primary 5’s assembly. It was all about reading. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:
Ayden: “I enjoyed P5’s assembly. I liked the song Gotta keep reading.”
Hamish: “I enjoyed the video of people dancing with the books during P5’s assembly.”
Connie: “I learned the nk sound.”
Teria: “I enjoyed our learning about pictograms.”
Solomia: “I enjoyed P5’s assembly. I enjoyed the songs.”
Alister: “I enjoyed learning about pictograms. I also enjoyed hearing Michael Kear’s story.”
Charlotte: “I found it tricky learning the ng sound.”
Sam: “I enjoyed all of the songs at P5’s assembly.”
H: “I really enjoyed learning the nk sound.”