P1b Learning Reflection for W/E 17.5.19

In P1 this week we have been busy measuring using non-standard units. In number talks we have been making 10’s to simplify a number problem. We have been learning the sounds aw as in jaw and magic E for the sound ‘are’ as in care and share. We have started to learn tennis skills in PE this week our focus was agility, balance and co-ordination. The children enjoyed taking part in an Authors Live event with Emily MacKenzie who read ‘There’s Broccoli in my Ice Cream’. The children drew along with Emily to create their own Granville pictures. P1 also enjoyed a NYCOS singing workshop this week with Mrs Curle, we are very lucky as she is coming back to do 2 more singing workshops with us.

Ms King x

Nicholas – making tens in number talks.

Alister – I enjoyed measuring with the blocks. We measured the desk, table and chair. The desk was 37 blocks long.

Roshan –  I liked doing number talks, we were making 10.  To solve the sum instead of doing 2+5+8, I switched the 8 and 5 around to make 2+8=10 then I added on the 5 to make 15.

Austin – I liked drawing the dog from the story on authors live.

Kaelan – I liked writing the letter to Mrs Mill. You needed to write who it was for and who it is from and the date.

Subhan – I like measuring the footprints. We got different numbers because we used different things to measure with.  It’s best to measure using the same thing.

Teria – I enjoyed the froggy music. I was singing and you had to count the frog jumps, I made it jump to Lois in 4 jumps. I liked the number talks, we had to make 10 so instead of doing 6 + 7 + 4  you do 6 plus 4 first to make 10 then you add the 7 to make 17. I liked the assembly some children couldn’t go to school.

James – I liked learning the new sound ‘are’ the magic E switches the a to an A sound. Care and share have the ‘are’ sound.

Hiba – I liked playing tennis. We balanced the ball on the tennis racquet.

Charley – I liked tennis this week.

Solomia – I liked tennis.  We were balancing the ball and we passed to another child, my partner was Hiba.

Poppy – I liked doing number talks this week. Instead of doing 9+ 3+ 1 you can turn the 1 and 3 around to make 9+ 1=10 then add on the 3 to make 13.

Sushanth – I liked doing measuring, so I got medium footprint it was 10 bricks long the big one was 18 bricks long.

Christian – I liked the assembly, singing songs.