This week in P4

We have had a Mother’s Day theme running this week.  The children have been making/ baking/ writing over the week. I hope items arrive safely in one piece at home!

The children have begun exploring time and collecting information about planting seeds. It was quite a challenge to read the seed packet instructions and pick out the data they needed.

This week and next the children may come home with seeds to grow at home in eco friendly newspaper plant pots. When the seedlings appear, just plant the whole thing into the garden or a pot. the children should be able to tell you what they chose to plant!

We have also been learning about the story of Queen Esther in our religious and moral education, and we have had some interesting conversations about cultural behaviour of the time and the country.


P1a Learning Reflection W/E 29th March

P1a have had another busy week of learning. In literacy, we learned two new diagraphs ea and oi. Our tricky word this week was is. We wrote ea and oi words, rolled dice to make real and non-sense words, made words on our magnetic boards and played roll and read. For writing we wrote about why our granny’s are special. In numeracy this week we continued to explore odd and even numbers through sorting and playing games. We also learned how to solve a problem using the look for a pattern and make a list strategy. In number talks we were looking at making adding and subtracting sentences using the numbers 2, 5, 7 and 9. We have continued to learn about Katie Morag. We listened to the story of Katie Morag and the Tiresome Ted and we had to make predictions about what was going to happen. We designed a new tartan skirt for Katie Morag. Sevinc is our new star of the week. We each had to pay Sevinc a compliment. With Mrs Fraser we went outside and collected some things to make a plant collage. We took a white board and a pen and looked in the garden to find things and had to create tally chart. We enjoyed the ELC’s assembly about Mother’s Day. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Emma: “I found it tricky writing about my gran.”

Leo: “I found it tricky writing my sentences about my gran.”

Isaac: “I enjoyed learning the oi sound. I also enjoyed the ELC’s assembly on Mother’s Day.”

Sevinc: “I enjoyed making my mum a surprise for Mother’s day. I enjoyed drawing myself on a star.”

Ziva: “I enjoyed writing about my Grandma.”

Leighton: “I enjoyed Lochlann’s assembly.”

Sam: “I enjoyed learning the ea sound.”

Murdo: “I found it tricky writing and drawing my granny.”

P2 This Week 29.3.19

We welcomed Miss Whigham back on Monday. We really enjoyed writing about the Easter story and learning the ear sound this week. In science, we recalled our learning about the body and Mr Keast was really pleased. In numeracy, we assessed our learning about time and money. We watched Authors Live on Thursday. It was all about Lauren Child and a story about a funny dog with Charlie and Lola. We then drew funny dogs of our own. Mrs Fraser enjoyed speaking to all our parents and sharing our progress.

Poppy was our pupil of the week this week and Sophie was our Star pupil for sharing strategies in number talks.

Happy weekend!