P1 & Ms King

Learning Reflection W/E 18.01.19










This week P1 have been learning nk and ng as well as tricky word was. The children enjoyed making real/nonsense words using sounds dice. In numeracy we have been exploring time. The children made posters showing the different ways we measure time. We have discussed lots of different time related words, have sequenced daily events and have been learning how to read o’clock on an analogue clock. The children were also set the challenge to find out if a bird really does clean a crocodile’s teeth. Well done to the children who researched this at home!

Austin – The birds clean the meat and stuff out of the crocodile’s teeth.

Kaelan – we learned the nk sound it has n and k, pink has the nk sound.

Poppy – I liked doing our poems we had to choose the Nessie one or the crocodile one, I am doing the crocodile one.

Charley – I liked learning nk it has n and k, stink has the nk sound.

Subhan – we found things which tell the time like: phones, watches and clocks.

Lewis – We made a Nessie out of lego.

James – I liked building a Loch ness monster.

Alister – I liked doing gymnastics we learned rocket, sitting star, star and pike alien, I am good at rocket.

Sushanth – In gymnastics we learned rocket, sitting star, star and pike alien.

Nicholas – I made Nessie out of lego.

Solomia – I liked doing the gymnastics I like star and sitting star.

Teria – I enjoyed assembly I liked the singing part, the best friend one.

Roshan – I liked to do the Nessie with playdough, I rolled it long.