P1 Scots Poetry

Please help your child to learn one of the poems below.

You can hear how to say some of the Scots dialect words using these links:

Crocodile  https://www.scotslanguage.com/articles/node/id/11/type/referance

Nessie      https://www.electricscotland.com/culture/features/scots/nessie2.htm


Crocodile by J K Annand

When doukin in the River Nile
I met a muckle crocodile.
He flicked his tail, he blinked his ee,
Syne bared his ugsome teeth at me.

Says I, “I never saw the like.
Cleaning your teeth maun be a fyke!
What sort of besom do ye hae
To brush a set o teeth like thae?”

The crocodile said, “Nane ava.
I never brush my teeth at aa!
A wee bird redds them up, ye see,
And saves me monie a dentist’s fee.”

NESSIE by J K Annand

Nessie the Loch Ness Monster
Wad seem to be gey blate,
And doesna like the scientist chiels
That come, and sit, and wait.

But gif ye want to see her
Pretend ye dinna care,
Keek oot the corner o your ee –
Ye’ll see her soomin there.

She’ll wiggle-humphie-waggle,
She’ll goggle wi her een,
Syne disappear ablow the loch
Like she had never been.

This week in P3…

Primary 3 have had a busy week!  Read some of their highlights below.


I liked playing the new drama game.  We had to be cars or drivers.  At the end of the game the cars have to guess who their last driver was. – Jarred and Freya

I liked practising the 4 times table for Smart Start. – Darcy

I liked learning about similes. An example is The man was as tall as a beanstalk.  – William and Ethan

I enjoyed listening to Miss Marnie’s poetry book.  It’s called Please, Mrs Butler and they were really funny! – Luke N

The poem was so funny because Miss Marnie was using a whiney voice! – Teme and Euan

I liked learning about pronouns. You can say “He kicked the ball.” instead of “Finn kicked the ball.” – Finn

I enjoyed having Mrs Clyne AND Miss Marnie this week! – Kalista

I liked learning how to play badminton in PE.  We had to hit the shuttlecock really far! – Kayden

P7’s Great Start to the Year

We have had a really busy 2 weeks since coming back to school after the Christmas holidays. In PE we have been building up short routines, starting from a 2 person balance, moving on to a group balance and involving a mix of rolls and linking movements.

For our Scottish Focus we are working on Burns poetry and the Scots language. This year, 2019, is the UN Year of the Indigenous Language and so we have been considering what we think of a Scots language. The debate continues as there is no agreement in class of whether we are talking about a language, a dialect, or if it’s just the way we say things, or something else. Many of us have been told that we are just speaking slang. It’s a complicated thing to sort out. Nonetheless we have had lots of fun learning some Scots words.

Holly – As sports captain I have to make sure the PE cupboard is kept tidy but it is frustrating because every morning I check it is messy again and nothing is getting put back in the proper place.

Elise – It was fun making up the routines in gymnastics. I like doing the cartwheels over Claudia.

Ben M – I’m really proud of Calderwood winning the house points. Well done Calderwood you did great.

Lewis – I learned a new way to do fractions in maths.

Kaitlyn – I liked making the routines in PE because it was fun.

Remember, we are currently trying out doing our reading work in school rather than at home. Pupils will only be doing there reading at home if they have not got their books in school, or if they didn’t finish during the time they were given.

Football with Neil from the SFA starts again on Tuesday. Please remember to bring outdoor kit and warm layers.

Poems should be learned and ready to recite on Monday. Pupils will be heard saying their poems on Monday or Tuesday.

All pupils in P7 have been given a form to complete for their entry in the P7 yearbook.

Burns projects should be well under way now. I know many pupils are enjoying the process, coming in to tell me knew facts every morning – well done and keep going.

P1 & Ms King

Learning Reflection W/E 18.01.19










This week P1 have been learning nk and ng as well as tricky word was. The children enjoyed making real/nonsense words using sounds dice. In numeracy we have been exploring time. The children made posters showing the different ways we measure time. We have discussed lots of different time related words, have sequenced daily events and have been learning how to read o’clock on an analogue clock. The children were also set the challenge to find out if a bird really does clean a crocodile’s teeth. Well done to the children who researched this at home!

Austin – The birds clean the meat and stuff out of the crocodile’s teeth.

Kaelan – we learned the nk sound it has n and k, pink has the nk sound.

Poppy – I liked doing our poems we had to choose the Nessie one or the crocodile one, I am doing the crocodile one.

Charley – I liked learning nk it has n and k, stink has the nk sound.

Subhan – we found things which tell the time like: phones, watches and clocks.

Lewis – We made a Nessie out of lego.

James – I liked building a Loch ness monster.

Alister – I liked doing gymnastics we learned rocket, sitting star, star and pike alien, I am good at rocket.

Sushanth – In gymnastics we learned rocket, sitting star, star and pike alien.

Nicholas – I made Nessie out of lego.

Solomia – I liked doing the gymnastics I like star and sitting star.

Teria – I enjoyed assembly I liked the singing part, the best friend one.

Roshan – I liked to do the Nessie with playdough, I rolled it long.

This week in Primary 5

This weeks bloggers are … Milly and Poppy!

Milly – I have enjoyed doing our project on Unicorns for the Group Talk. Gymnastics has been fun learning our paired sequences. I also really liked our class comprehension about Loch Ness Monster.

Poppy – This week I have liked getting my new reading book. I have had fun creating my gymnastics sequence with my partner. Learning more about Time has been fun too.

Thank you girls!

Its been lovely to be back in class and the children are working hard on their Burns Poetry, Scottish Mythical Creatures presentations and learning their song for next weeks Scottish Assembly. Next week is going to be a busy one!

Have a lovely weekend…

Mrs Taylor 🙂

P1a Learning Reflection W/E 18th January

Another busy week in Primary 1. In literacy, we have learned two new diagraphs, these were nk and ng. We also learned a new tricky word. It is was. In writing, we all set our self a new year’s resolution. Some of us have decided we need to tidy our rooms, some have said to listen to mum and dad and some want to do more exercise. In Maths this week we have been exploring time. We have been sequencing the days of the week, sorting pictures into a daily routine and creating a poster of the various ways we can tell the time. We learned about the most famous dog in Scotland, Greyfriars Bobby. We listened to his story and we created our own Greyfriars Bobby. In French we learned how to count to 10. Ask your child and see if they can remember them. In Science, we were watching and drawing ice melt. We also played in the water tray and watched ice melt in it. In P.E our focus has been gymnastics. We have been making different shapes such as a flying saucer, sitting star and when making these shapes we have had to show strength and control over them. We also learned two jumps, a star jump and a rocket jump. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Sam: “I enjoyed word building with our new sounds nk and ng.”

Isaac: “I found number talks tricky.”

Sevinc: “I enjoyed doing our speedy sounds.”

Leighton: “I enjoyed finding out where Scotland is. I liked colouring in Scotland on a map.”

Ziva: ” I found it tricky counting to 10 in French.”

Lois: “I enjoyed learning the tricky word was.”

Rory: “I found it tricky learning to count to 10 in French.”