P3’s First Reflection of 2019

Happy New Year!

It has been great to welcome the children back to school this week and hear all their lovely news from their holidays.  We have been delighted to welcome Teme and Blake to our class this week and look forward to getting to know them over the coming weeks.

As it is the new year, we began this week by writing our new year’s resolutions.  We discussed the things we thought we needed to improve and wrote our own targets for things we will try to improve at home and at school.

This week we also started our Scottish Focus and the children were given their poems home to practise.  They have the choice of three poems to learn and will recite these to the class on Wednesday 23rd January.  The poems choices are The Sair Finger by Walter Wingate, Crocodile by JK Annand and Mince and Tatties by JK Annand.

We have also begun looking at Scottish Food and Drink and will continue this next week.  Perhaps we will finish our Scottish Focus with a tasting session?

In our number work this week we have been revising the 2x, 5x and 10x tables and have begun to learn the 4x and 8x tables.  We have been looking at patterns between the tables.  Please practise the times tables with your children at home as a quicker recall of the table facts will be beneficial to their mental maths.

In art this week we were learning about primary, secondary and tertiary colours and enjoyed exploring colour mixing with the paints.

Some highlights from the children:

Joe and William particularly liked the colour wheel in art.

Anna enjoyed the assembly on Keeping Connected which helped us learn more about having a back up team to help us through the low points in our life.

Freya enjoyed when we were listening to everyone’s Christmas news.

Luke N enjoyed having Teme and Blake join our class.

P2’s Week

Happy New Year to everyone. P2 have settled back into school. We have been learning about the geography of Scotland and where we are in relation to the rest of the UK.

We have also been learning about how to be resilient when things are toughter for us. We have been sharing our favourite books with the class. In maths, we have learned about capacity, investigating how much water different containers can hold.

Well done to Aakruti for being our class pupil of the week for writing!

Primary 5 Blog

This weeks blog master is Lily-Rose.

Primary 5 have had a very busy week doing lots of fun and interesting things.

In maths this week we worked on our times tables.

My favorite thing I did this week was the maths worksheet to help with our times tables. It helped me to remember them better – Matthew V


We also learnt about Scotland and looked at different Scottish poems because it is Burns Night soon.

I enjoyed learning about the poems. When we did our poem and I picked a dug a dug because it was very interesting and I felt I did really well – Daniel

My favorite thing I did this week was the Robert Bruce poem – Abdul


This week in P.E. we did gymnastics and yoga.

P.E. was my favourtite this week because it was gymnastics and yoga I loved learning new skills – Poppy

My favourite thing this week in school was doing yoga in P.E. – Paul

I loved doing gymnastics because I got to work with Milly -Katie

My favorite thing this week was doing yoga in P.E, it was really fun – Georgie


We did lots of other interesting things this week.

My favorite thing this week was doing our 2018 flip books – Amaya

My favorite thing this week was Sudoku it was really fun – Grace


P1 & Ms King

P1 have been talking about why they are glad to be back at school, this is what they said…

Poppy – I liked being back in school because we got to meet a new person in our class.

Nicholas – I like playing with my friends.

James – I have enjoyed playing with my friends and learning.

Austin – I like seeing all of my friends again.

Hiba – I am happy Solomia is back from her holiday.

Alister – I am glad to be back so we can build the igloo.

Subhan – I love to play with Lewis and learn stuff.

Roshan – I like to play with Kaelan.

Lewis – I like playing sumdog with Subhan.

Christian – I am helping Poppy.

Charley – I can play with my friends and learning with Ms King.

Solomia – I am happy to be at school.

Kaelan – To see my friends.

Teria- Because I can make new friends.

P1a Learning Reflection W/E 11th January

Happy New Year. P1 and Miss Maclachlan hope you had a lovely holiday. In Literacy, we have been revising all the sounds and tricky words we have learned so far. We practised writing z and q.  In writing we wrote about the highlight of our Christmas holidays. We were focusing on using a capital letter. In numeracy, we have been exploring doubles. We have played games, built double towers and put spots on ladybirds and butterflies. We can recall our doubles up to and including double 5. For the next fortnight we are having a Scottish focus. We are learning about famous Scots. This week we learned about the Loch Ness monster. We drew pictures of Nessie, made Nessie out of Lego or play-doh. We had our first star of the week circle time. Our first star of week is Murdo. We all gave Murdo a compliment and then we drew a picture of Murdo inside a star. Here are a few of the children’s:

Lois: ” I enjoyed learning about Nessie. I liked making my Lego Nessie.”

Rory:” I enjoyed listening to the story about Nessie.”

Ch: ” I enjoyed drawing a picture of Nessie the Loch Ness monster.”

Isaac: ” I enjoyed making a model of Nessie using play-doh.”

Leighton:” I found it tricky to draw a picture of Nessie.”

Euan:” I also found drawing Nessie tricky.”

Ayden: ” I enjoyed using play-doh to make a model of Nessie.”