This week in P5….

This week we have Ava, Noel and Poppy doing our school blog…

We have enjoyed Choir Practice; preparing for Cluster Choir and Christmas Tree Light switch on.

Poppy  – I really like the Rumble workshop showcase and how we have learned all the different African rhythms and songs. This week the class have gotten better at doing the Dashing White Sergeant dance. The phone call with the Scientist was great as I got to ask him a question ” What is the most dangerous part of Antartica?”

Ava – I really thought our writing task was exciting and mysterious as we had the re-write The Tale of the 3 Brothers.

Noel – I enjoyed doing the Number talks tasks this week. Also enjoyed Noggle too.


Thank you Poppy, Ava and Noel!


Have a lovely weekend


Mrs T 🙂