P6 Blog

This week’s Blog Master is Cameron.

This week in P6 we have  been preparing for our Antarctica assembly

“I really liked doing the rapping it was really fun and I’m still learning.”-Silvester

“I enjoyed doing the artwork for our assembly.”- Aiden

“I enjoyed painting the penguins because it was fun.”- Ellie

“I liked learning the Antarctica rap.”- Natalie

“I loved practicing for our assembly especially the songs.”-Charlie

“I enjoyed doing the art.”-Katy

“I liked doing the paintings.”-Murray

“I liked doing the penguin art.”-Rowan

“I liked learning about Antarctica because I learned new things.”-Ainslie

“I enjoyed painting the penguins because I like art.”-Luke

“I really enjoyed the art because I got to get creative.”-Hayley B

This week week all of P6 went to Rumble.

“I liked the songs at rumble.”-Lewis

“I liked learning the songs at rumble.”-Calum

” It was fun.”-Finlay

“I enjoyed the drums at Rumble.”-Leon

“It was fun and I enjoyed it.”-Sri

” I enjoyed showing everyone what I did in rumble”-Cade

“I liked when everybody came for rumble.”-Zoe

“I enjoyed Rumble because there was nice music.”-Eesa

“I really liked going to Rumble.”-Logan F

“I liked going to Rumble.  We sung We Will Rock You and played the drumsticks.”-Jamie

“I liked doing songs with the drumsticks.”-Kyle

“I liked doing the penguin Art.”-Matthew

“I liked doing the Rumble because it was really fun.”-Cameron

“I liked doing the music with the drumsticks.”-Logan Y

“I liked the Rumble performance because I did  che che colie.”-Callan