P3 Weekly Reflection 7.12.18

What an exciting week we have had.  The children have worked really hard to practise their assembly lines and were amazing this morning when sharing their learning with the whole school.  It was lovely to see so many grown-ups there to support the children and we appreciate your lovely feedback.

As well as our own assembly, we attended a whole school assembly led by Mrs Mill on Resilience.  We will be working hard to learn the skills needed to be more resilient in tougher times.  Anna reminded us that the main character who will help us to learn about Resilience is called Skipper and he will be teaching  us to navigate our boats along the river of life.

This week’s highlights from the children:-

Olly “I enjoyed getting ready for the assembly.”

Kalista “I enjoyed the fact that so many parents could come to see our assembly.”

Joe “I liked the parents’ feedback from our assembly.”

Luke N “I enjoyed practising the assembly.”

Finn “I enjoyed the assembly too.”

Ethan “I enjoyed when we got to go up on the stage and read our stuff.  It was scary and I got butterflies in my tummy but it was fun.  I think we should film the assemblies for the parents who can’t make it.”

Have a lovely weekend and remember the Christmas Lights will be switched on this evening in the village at 6pm.  Look forward to seeing you there.