P1a Learning Reflection W/E 9th November 2018

Another busy week in P1. We have been working hard during our phonics lessons with Miss Fraser. We learned two new sounds l and h. We also learned the tricky word you. We made words with these sounds, taught ted how to write them, made a lamb and a horse. In numeracy we have been learning about number bonds. We have been focusing on adding numbers together that make 10. Can you remember any pairs of  numbers that make 10? We have also been outdoors twice this week. On Tuesday we went for a lovely autumn walk to the church and around the local area. We looked at the beautiful poppy tree for remembrance Sunday. We were lucky enough to get to go in the church and see the beautiful display of poppies in there. Photos to follow on twitter. We created rubbings of leaves once back in class. Primary 1 and primary 2 have also been practising for our nativity. In Science we were learning about push and pull forces. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Ayden: “I enjoyed learning my number bonds to 10.”

Ziva: “I found it tricky writing l and h.”

Leighton: “I enjoyed learning how to say the sound l.”

Isaac: “I found writing the letter h tricky.”

Ch: I enjoyed our walk to the church and learning about what the poppy is for. They are for remembering the people who died during the wars.”

Lois: “I found writing the h tricky.”

Euan: “I found our two sounds this week tricky.”

This Week in P4

What a great start to the term. The children are doing well and having fun in their quiz of the week which test their retrieval memory of past learning.  One of my favourite highlights this week is the classes confidence to times a number such as 64,321 by ten and most of them can explain fully what happens to the number when we multiply by ten.

I have challenged the children to improve their knowledge of graphs during outdoor classroom where we have begun exploring pictographs and pie charts.













The children have loved getting their new reading books and settling into their new reading groups.  This term they have been mixed up  to give different challenge and to develop the children’s comprehension further.

P2 This week

P2 worked really well to produce their assembly about kindness.

They worked on subtraction within 20 and enjoyed measuring and ordering skeletons from shortest to tallest. We started learning about adjectives and continued our learning about magic e  with a focus on u-e words. We played punctuation game on the smartboard, focussing on full stops and capital letters. We read Autumn stories.

Fabulous Home Learning

What a great effort for the October Home Learning for P7. Across the whole class every item on the sheet was covered. One of the most popular activities was to learn a new skill – I’m so impressed that P7 were boiling eggs, pasta, trying fancy new hairstyles and even ironing! Well done! We have shared our learning and peer assessed it, with some pupils being so impressed with what their peers had done that they asked to use the WOW! stamper.

November Home Learning is already issued and a copy can be found here: November activities

We completed the SNSA this week.

We had great fun with art this week where we learned to make a picture using the wax resist technique – who knew it’s all really about science! Lots of great thinking about what was happening and why, also about why the candles worked better than the crayons. Great work P7.

Next week we are having Outdoor Learning Week and we will be outside for at least 2 sessions NO MATTER WHAT THE WEATHER IS LIKE, so please ensure pupils are dressed appropriately.

This week in P6…

This Tuesday, we got to go to the fish shop with Miss Marnie for a Goldfish. The man at the fish shop said there were no Goldfish, and even if they did have them, we would need at least 90 litres. Instead we got two Minnows, one striped called Sprite, and a gold one called Fanta.-By Finlay and Ainslie.

“I am so happy I got into the school football team.” -Jamie

“This week we were doing the multiplication grid and I found it hard at first but I got it in the end.”- Katy

“This week I liked playing badminton in PE.” -Zoe

“I liked math this week.” -Cade

“I liked doing math because it was easy to understand.” -Lewis

“I enjoyed the Hallowe’en disco because I won a prize… an air balloon guitar!” -Silvester

“I like the fish.”-Matthew

“I loved playing badminton at P.E.- Luke

“There was a school disco and I got best boy dancer.” -Rowan

“I enjoyed naming the fish.  Their names are Sprite and Fanta.” -Eesa

“I liked the Hallowe’en disco because it was really fun and we danced to Baby Shark which was my favourite part.”-Cameron

“My suggestion got picked for the fish names Fanta and Sprite.” Callum

“I won the best girl dancer at the school disco and it was great!” Hayley B

“I enjoyed halloween disco.” – Sri

P3 Weekly Reflection 2.11.18

What a busy week it has been, with lots of excitement for Halloween.

Our literacy has had a focus on Halloween as we read some stories about The Clever Cat and The Bubbling Cauldron and wrote our own fictional stories by rolling a dice to choose the setting, character and prop. The children wrote fantastic stories using very creative ideas.

Darcy enjoyed our art activity this week where we were tearing pieces of paper and sticking them onto a Halloween themed shape.

Kayden reminded us about M. C. Escher who we learned about in Maths when we were thinking about tiling patterns.  We created our own tessellations using Tessellation Creator on Topmarks website, perhaps you can have your own go?

This week we started our new class topic, Inventors.  We learned about the Wright Brothers, Ruth Handler, Alexander Graham Bell, Steve Jobs and Mary Anderson.  Do you know what these people invented?  Jarrad particularly enjoyed watching the film about Alexander Graham Bell ‘accidentally’ inventing the telephone.  Over the coming weeks we will be working together in groups to research some other inventors who have been influential in Scottish history.

Kaitlyn said she enjoyed singing and dancing to The Skeleton Dance in music.  We had to listen to the lyrics and fill in the missing words on our activity sheet.  It was a very catchy song.  Rohan preferred listening to The Monster Mash.  Lakshya also enjoyed The Monster Mash and liked listening to spot the rhyming words.

Joe said he enjoyed having fun with his friends at the disco.

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend!



P1a Learning Reflection W/E 2nd November

Another busy week in Primary 1. We have been working very hard and learning lots.  In Literacy, we have learned f and e and the tricky word no. We have made words with these new sounds, learned how to write them and played games with sound dice. We coloured in an Elmer picture as Elmer begins with e and we are going to use them during book week Scotland. In writing we wrote about our halloween costumes. In maths, we have been continuing to learn about shape and in particular 3D shapes. We have gone on shape hunts, made shapes with our bodies, made shape wands then we blew bubbles with them, made shape biscuits, junk modelling and sorting shapes as to whether they rolled or slid. In P.E we were throwing and catching a ball to continue to develop our hand eye co-ordination. In art we finished off our space pictures. We have started preparing for our nativity and we tried to learn one of the songs. Here are a few of the children’s reflections from the week:

Sam: ” I enjoyed being the class helper this week and being responsible for taking messages to the office.”

Ayden: ” I enjoyed learning the tricky word no.”

Isaac: “I enjoyed learning the first song for our nativity.”

Lois: ” I enjoyed learning the shapes and making shape biscuits.”

Ziva: ” I enjoyed colouring in my Elmer.”

Leighton: ” I enjoyed Primary 2’s assembly on kindness.”

Euan: ” I found it tricky learning the letters f and e.”