P3 Weekly Reflection 30.11.18

This has been a very busy but enjoyable week.  Thanks to all the parents who attended our PATPAL session on Tuesday, the children were so excited to be able to share their learning with you.  The children will be sharing more of their learning during our assembly next Friday (7th December), we hope to see as many of you as possible.  Jarrad said he enjoyed talking to the parents about our Wellbeing Wheel and was pleased that the parents enjoyed their visit.  Mrs Mill complimented both Jarrad and Leo on how confidently they were able to talk about the Wellbeing Wheel – well done boys!

Tomorrow sees this year’s Christmas Fair and we look forward to seeing you all there between 10am and 12:30pm.  The children have been busy making some snowmen and penguin cards to sell, these will be on sale for £1 each.  Joe and Lakshya said creating their Christmas cards was the highlight of their week.

William said he was pleased to receive his flu vaccination this week.  Hopefully this will help to keep the children fighting fit during the winter months.  As we approach the season of colds and coughs, the children and I would very much appreciate donations of tissues to help keep the bugs at bay!

Finn said his highlight this week was watching the P4 assembly about Advent.  Emma M reminded us that advent is about counting down to something and we learned that Christians use advent wreaths and candles to count down to the birth of Jesus.  Some of the children found it hard to believe that we used to have advent calendars with only pictures in them!

In maths this week we have been developing our understanding of money.  We have been learning to recognise all coins and notes to £5 and have been working out combinations of coins that can be used to pay for different amounts.  We will continue to develop our understanding of money with various Christmas themed tasks in the coming weeks.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow at the Christmas Fair.

It’s all about Enterprise in P7

We have been so busy this week that there wasn’t time for pupils to share their learning, so I will do it for them.

This week has been all about their enterprise project. Firstly there was lots of maths to be done in order to find out where was the best place to buy the items we needed. We had to do a lot of calculations to work out how much we needed and how many packs we would have to buy. Then we had to take account of any special offers like buy one get one half price. Next we had to work out how much each item would cost and decide on a price.

We were originally going to make papier mache pots for our bulbs but this was proving to be too time consuming to dry them out and we ran out of time.

Planting the bulbs was great fun (and messy!). We learned lots about wrapping too, including how to curl ribbon. The cellophane was quite tricky to use as it kept sliding away, so we needed teamwork and perseverance to get the wrapping looking good.

Now all we have to do is wait until the spring to see the beautiful flowers.

Our pots are £3 each and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the Christmas Fair.

This Week in P4

This has been a great week with the class.

At the start of the week Mr Boyd came to speak to the children about his life journey and the skills he felt were important to his life, learning and work. He very kindly also gave the children a chance to try some hot chocolate, which was delicious. Thank you for your time and generosity.

They have welcomed Miss Ross who was on work experience from high school, and who helped support the children in their learning.

We have completed our snow globes and they have been selling fast.

They have been continuing to learn  about multi-digit addition using carrying over and subtraction using borrowing / regrouping. They will still need lots more practice for the method to become a habit, but they are doing well. Some have been motivated to do sums just for fun!

They have been learning about the meaning and traditions of Advent, and  some traditions of Christmas time around the world for our assembly. They worked really hard and delivered a great assembly sharing their learning and having fun.

Thank you so much to all of you that made it along to support your children.

We also had some time to talk a frosty walk for our outdoor classroom, and build some awesome construction models including 3D shapes and marble runs.


P1a Learning Reflection w/e 30/11/18

Another busy work here for P1a. We have been learning the diagraphs ch and th and the tricky word all. In writing we were using our sounds to write about our favourite toy. In numeracy, we have been learning how to skip count in 10s. We have also been learning how to take away. We know that when you take away the number gets smaller. Every day we have been continuing to practise for our nativity. Our acting, singing and playing of instruments is coming along nicely. We attended a very special assembly on Thursday afternoon when the school was presented with their third gold flag. We have finished our ornaments for the Christmas fair. Our Santa ornaments are available to buy from Miss Maclachlan and our stars, Christmas trees and snowflakes ornaments will be available at the fair on Saturday 1st December. Here are some of the children’s reflections:

Leighton: ” I enjoyed learning the diagraph th and the tricky word all.”

Isaac: ” I found it tricky learning the diagraph ch.”

Ch: ” I found it tricky to make words with the diagraph th.”

Lois:” I found it tricky to learn and say the diagraph th”

Ziva:” I enjoyed learning the diagraph ch.”

Euan:” I found it tricky writing the new diagraphs.”

Coben:”I found the diagraph th tricky.”